Page 112 of Branded

“I hadn’t thought about it much. You know my periods hadn’t resumed since not having my birth control shot.”

“Yes.” Okay, my earlier suspicions were likely right. So why was she so upset about being pregnant?

“God, I hate that I didn’t tell you right away.”

“Tell me what?”

“Cade, I’m pregnant.” As the words left her lips, tears rolled down her face, and she covered her face.

Was there more to it?

“Shelby, I don’t understand why you’re so upset. Why were you afraid to tell me?”

“Because I’ve kept it from you all month. I even took a pregnancy test at my parents’ house with Martina and Olivia, and it was positive. But I couldn’t believe it. I kept expecting something to happen, like I’d get my period.”

“But it hasn’t come.”

“No, it hasn’t.” More tears rained down her face. “I needed to know for sure before I told you.”

“I get it.”

“And I lied to you. When I went with my mom to her follow up appointment, I had an appointment too. They did an ultrasound and I’m approximately ten weeks. That means the conception was the week Jake assaulted me.”

“But we had sex that week, too.”

“Yes, so it’s anyone’s guess whose baby it is.” And the floodgates burst. “It can’t be his. God wouldn’t do that to me, would He?”

“Oh, baby…” Words escaped me. All I could do was hold her as she cried.

After what she’d gone through with Jake, having his baby was the last thing she needed.

“It’s our baby. I know it is.” The words came out of my mouth on their own. I prayed it was a higher power speaking through me.

Shelby lifted her head. “Really?”

“I love you, Shelby.” I put my hand on her stomach. “This is my baby.” And even if it wasn’t, I would love it and raise it as my own.

“You don’t know how badly I want it to be yours. It has to be… It just has to be.”

“And it is. Why would anyone question otherwise? The night we made love is when the baby was conceived. There’s no question in my mind.”

A knock at the door startled us.

“Do you think it’s Graves?”

“Doubt it. It’s probably room service.” I went to answer the door, and it was our food.

“I’ll just set this on your table, if you don’t mind?” the young woman said.

“That’s fine.” I glanced at Shelby. She had shifted herself on the sofa to hide her face. If the baby wasn’t mine, it would be a cruel injustice.

“You’re all set. Happy New Year.”

“Thanks. Happy New Year to you too.” I handed her a twenty, then bolted the door behind her.

“I’m going to go splash some water on my face.” She rushed out of the room. When she came back, she looked a lot better. Harboring a secret had been eating away at her, and during the holidays, no less.

I should’ve broached the topic. The signs had been there with her eating and sleeping habits. I could have spared her some grief. Bad, Cade.