Page 107 of Branded

“You two look so happy!” Olivia bounced over and took my hands. “Happy birthday, sissy.”

“Thank you. And we are happy. Right?” I peered at Cade.

“Crazy happy.” He kissed my forehead.

“Happy birthday, chica.” Martina nudged Olivia out of the way and hugged me. “You look gorgeous.” She released me and nodded at Cade approvingly. “He’s the perfect medicine for you.”

“That he is. Sorry I haven’t been around much.” I’d been a horrible friend. Thank God, she and my sister got along so Martina wouldn’t feel abandoned by me. While my mom was in the hospital, she’d been sick with the flu.

“Don’t even worry about it. But I need to tell you, I can’t stay here any longer. I’ve used up all my PTO and my rent is coming due soon.”

My heart plummeted. “You’re leaving?”

“It’s not safe,” Cade told her. “Until we know whereheis, stay put.”

I appreciated Cade not saying my ex’s name. It seemed I’d forgotten I was still in danger, and so was everyone else I loved—all because of me.

“I can’t afford my rent if I’m not getting a paycheck. Who knows if I still have a job?”

“Stella gave us until the end of the month.” Now she was being dramatic. “What should she do?” I directed my question to Cade.

“Now’s not the time to discuss this. It’s your birthday. Let’s have a good time.”

“Cade’s right. Sorry, I should’ve held off mentioning it.” Martina’s gaze shifted toward the bikers behind me. “Who’s the scary biker?” she asked Cade.

“Graves is his name.”

“Introduce me.” She shimmied her shoulders.

“I don’t think he’s your type, but okay.” Cade shrugged and led us to the bikers’ table. “Graves, this here is my girl, Shelby.”

“Happy birthday.” He nodded at me.

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.” I wasn’t used to gritty bikers, but Cade’s friends from the Knight’s Legion MC had been respectful and literally saved me. If he trusted them, I would too. However, a darkness hung above Graves and the man on his right side, like an ominous cloud. They weren’t Storm and Hollywood.

Behind me, Martina poked my back. “Don’t forget about me.”

“Oh, and this is my best friend Martina.” I moved to the side so Martina could get a closer look at Graves.

He issued Martina a sharp nod and diverted his gaze off her quickly. “This is my son, Asphalt.” He patted the back of theyoung guy, then jerked his chin to the older guy. “And my SAA, Corpse.”

I didn’t know what SAA meant, but waved at the men just the same.

Asphalt and Corpse said, “Hey.”

“Interesting names.” Martina sounded intrigued. Her taste in men changed like the seasons, and she didn’t have a type. Except for maybe super masculine and dominant. Which Graves appeared to be both.

“They’re road names, little lady.”

“Well, yours should be Big Daddy,” she replied in a flirty tone.

“Okay, then.” Cade cut in. “I need my girl.”

“Nice meeting y’all.” I waved as Cade lured me away. “Is everything okay?” I whispered.

“Martina will have her hands full with that guy. You should warn her about him.”

“That’s kind of difficult to do when I know nothing about him.” I looked back at Martina. She was still talking to Graves. Not talking, she was flirting. Her hip was pushed out to the side and her arms were crossed, aiding in lifting them. That stance was her flirting position.Chica, you don’t know who you’re messing with.