Page 105 of Branded

I kissed the stack of birthday cards Cade had given me, then put them in my old dresser drawer. At first sight, he appeared to be a rough, wild, and dangerous man. Some people might be turned off by his tattoos or his snarl. But he had a heart of gold under all that ink. Those birthday cards were proof. Some were funny. Others were sentimental. A few were naughty. They were the perfect mix of sentiments that had come straight from his heart. What kind of man would do such a sweet thing? A keeper, Granddad would say.

My granddad thought Cade was the finest man west of the Mississippi. He used to say, “Shelby, they broke the mold with that one. Don’t let him go.”

But I had let him go, and I’ve never regretted anything more. I can’t imagine what my granddad would say. Sort of glad he hadn’t been around to see the destruction I’d caused. He had passed away when I was just sixteen. Like everyone in my family, he’d been a farmer his whole life, raising crops, and always with a cigarette tucked between his lips.Nasty cancer sticks, Grandma Smithfield had called them. They’d been his demise. Grandma Smithfield had joined him in heaven a few months after. She’d gone in her sleep. Mama told me she’d died of a broken heart. That when you loved someone so deeply your whole life, it was difficult to keep going without them.

I’d always known I’d wanted the kind of love my folks and grandparents had, but I had been so damn bullheaded and thought I knew more than the good Lord who’d paired me up with my perfect match.

The proof was in the pudding…

Cade had been by my side during both funerals and all the important events in my life. Just as I had been there for him. We’d been each other’s strength when we were weak and our soft place to lie when we needed comforting.

I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself not to cry. Cade wanted to take me out on his Harley before the snow hit. No woman had sat on the back before. Apparently, it had been sacred and reserved for me.

I didn’t want to ruin this for him. He’d been so thoughtful and that shower, whew doggy. My body still tingled hours later. I needed to listen to him, and believe him when he said,It’s all in the past and we’re focusing on our future together.

“Shelby? Are you ready to hit the road?”

“Yes!” I pulled myself together and smiled as I left the bedroom. He was waiting by the front door. “I’m a little nervous, though.”

“Understandable. It’s just a little ride into town. We’ll stop at Hotshots for a beer, then come home.” He held the door open for me, and I went out of it.

“Sounds perfect.” I followed him to his bike. It sparkled like a black diamond. Every part, from the leather seat to the chrome accents, were pristine. “You must not ride often. It looks brand new.”

He grinned, placing an open-faced helmet on my head. “You know I take excellent care of my woman.”

“Your bike is your woman? Watch it there. I might get jealous.”

“I hope you do.” He clicked his tongue. “A cat fight is riveting entertainment.”

“Riveting? I see you’ve added to your vocabulary.” I cradled the side of his face. “If you want me to fight to be the number one woman in your life, I will. But I think I can let you have two women in your life, if one is a beautiful Harley.”

“Shit, baby.” He smashed his lips to mine in arivetingkiss. “You fucking turn me on every second of the day. There’s no competition. You will always be my one and only.” He pulled away and straddled the seat. “Hop on.”

I got behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. “Like this?”

“Yep. Put your feet on those footrests.” He pointed at the one near my boot. “But don’t touch that metal part.” Again, he pointed. “It gets really hot.”

“Got it.” I inhaled the scent of his leather jacket mixed with his cologne and hummed. “You smell so good; I could eat you up.”

“How about later?” He waggled his brows as his motorcycle roared to life.

“You got it, hot stuff. What else do I need to know?”

“When I lean, you lean. Don’t let go of me. Like I said, it’s just a little ride and none of the roads are curvy.”


His hand covered mine and then we were off. The brisk air immediately slapped me in the face. I was wearing a knit beanie and gloves, and one of Olivia’s winter coats. It was twenty-four degrees, but it felt more like negative twenty-four. I was used to California’s warm temps and had lost my thick skin.

“How ya doing?”


“Are you cold?”

“Yes.” I tightened my grip around him and tried to absorb his body heat. “But it’s fine.”

“It’s a quick ride.” We turned onto the frontage road and headed south toward town.