“I’m fine. It’s you we’re worried about. You should rest after all you’ve been through.” I softly kissed her on the forehead.
“How long will you be home?”
“Don’t worry, Mama. I’m here for as long as you need me.”
“Then I need you to never leave me, my sweet Shelby.” Her words gutted me, along with the emotion pooling in her eyes. “Talk me to sleep, honey. I love the sound of your sweet voice.”
“Yes, Mama. Anything for you.”
I spent the next thirty minutes talking about past Thanksgivings and Christmases, which were my favorite memories. Over and over, I told her how she was the best mom in the whole wide world.
As if she’d been watching through the window, a nurse came in seconds after my mom drifted off to sleep. “Sorry, but visiting hours are over.”
I got to my feet. “I know. Thank you for letting me stay longer.” I kissed my mom good-bye and whispered, “I promise to come back in the morning.”
“I’ll be staying here tonight,” my dad said.
“I expected nothing less.” I hugged him. “Liv and I will be back in the morning.”
“Your mama will like that.” He kissed my head, then went to my mom’s side.
“Come on, darlin’.” Cade placed his hand on my lower back. “She looks good, from what I could see.”
“She’s a fighter.”
“Much like her daughters.”
I smiled and leaned into him as we made our way out of the wing to meet up with the others in the waiting room.
“Rough day, huh, Honeybee?” Cade asked softly.
I nodded, then he stopped.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He took me into his arms, and I wilted.
“I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I’ve been out of my mind with worry,” he whispered. “When Liv told me you were in danger, I literally lost my mind, Shelby. I was scared I’d never see you again.”
“I’ve been a fool, Cade.” I looked up at him and his intense gaze was on me. “A stubborn fool.”
“Not here, baby.” He led me out of the hallway.
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
He swallowed thickly. “Of course.”
My sister and Martina perked up in their chairs when they saw us.
“How’s mom?” Liv asked.
“She’s good. Sleeping now. I told Dad we’d be back in the morning.”
Olivia nodded, and it was then she seemed to notice my clothes. “What happened to you?”
“That story is for another day,” Cade replied before I could. “Martina, you’re welcome to come back to my place with me and Shelby.”