Page 20 of Branded

I was furious.

Ready to rage and kick some asses.

But I couldn’t do a damn thing about it without causing a scene.

What was worse? I couldn’t focus on Jake. Not when Cade was breathing the same air as me. He’d backed down, been the stand-up guy I knew him to be, and took the lead with a silent peace offering, after his unintentional offense. Cade would never apologize verbally, but the gesture had spoken volumes to me.

“How about a drink?” I looked over at my dad. “I’d like a vodka soda.” The tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Somebody needed to get people moving and talking after the most awkward moment of my life.

“I’ll have a whiskey neat.” Jake reeled me into his side as if laying his claim. He wasn’t a cuddly guy, so this fake attention made me uncomfortable.

“Coming right up.” My dad gave a thumbs up. “Cade, what can I get you?”

“If you don’t mind, I’ll get it myself.” Cade stalked out of the room and took the oxygen with him.



Jesus fucking Christ! Why hadn’t anyone warned me? Not my parents. Not her parents. I had made a fool of myself in front of that prick who now had his arm around Shelby.

I could smash his face into the rock fireplace and not feel an ounce of remorse.

Jealousy stabbed me in the eye over and over and over.Shelby is mine.

Taking out a bottle of beer, I twisted off the cap and chugged. For her, I’d calm the fuck down, but I couldn’t promise anything else.

My mom appeared in the doorway.

“Why did you let me believe she was single?” I asked in a tight voice.

“I’m so sorry.”

“A little late for that dontcha think?”

Debra and Olivia made their way in. Just what I needed, more rubberneckers.

“Why didn’t any of you tell me she had a boyfriend? Or that she was bringing him to the farm? I feel like a goddamn idiot!” I slammed my hand on the counter.

“Truthfully? Nobody wanted to get in the middle of it,” Olivia answered, as if the spokesperson. “We thought she wouldn’t follow through with bringing him.”

“Well, you were wrong. I’m leaving.”

“No,” Shelby said.

I cut my gaze at her and bit down so hard on my molars; they would crack any second.

“You can’t run from this. Can’t we try to get along and be amicable?” Her soft voice slashed through my soul. I’d missed her so fucking much, and just when I thought I might get her back, she had a fucking boyfriend.

“Maybe you can, but I can’t.” I turned my back to her and guzzled my beer. I should’ve never come tonight. Hell, I should’ve never moved back home after Rocky destroyed the Hells Bells MC. I could’ve started my own biker club…

She came up behind me and put her hand on my forearm. The scent of her perfume teased my senses, and the warmth of her body fucked with my mind. It was agonizing to be so close, to smell her and feel her touch again. “I can’t, Shelby.”

“Try.” She tugged on my arm so I’d turn around. When I did, the pleading in her chocolate- brown eyes punched me in the gut. “We can’t avoid each other forever. One day you’ll find someone. I’m sure that won’t be easy for me, but I’ll have to be happy for you. Can’t you be happy for me? Please try, Cade.”

Talk about putting me on the spot. Three pairs of eyes were watching us. The nosiest women in Burntwood were gripped and hanging on our every word. Now wasn’t the time to have this conversation. If Shelby wanted to have it out, I would, but in private.

Shaking my head, I opened my mouth and was about to saynowhen I heard him…