Page 35 of The Surrogate

“You’ll be behind me anyway, in case I run into trouble, right?”

“Well, you won’t find me driving in front of you ever again,” I teased.

“Good one.” She laughed as she stood and brushed off her dress. “Can you turn around for a minute?”

I narrowed my eyes but did as she asked. “Okay…why am I doing this?”

A few seconds passed. “All good now.”

“What was that all about?” I asked.

“You promise not to make fun of me?”

“No. But tell me anyway.”

“I had a piece of hay stuck in my underwear.” She flashed a goofy smile.

And then…I laughed for what felt like the first time in years. “The road home is quite curvy and dark at night,” I told her when I’d gotten myself back together. “I should drive in front of you to provide some light.”

“You mean you trust me not to rear end you again?”

“Well, it’s quite difficult to spot the sheep at this hour, so I trust you’ll keep your eyes on the road.”

“I will.” She winked.

She followed me back to the inn that night and managed not to cause a collision. It was quite late by the time we got to The Bainbridge, and Abby headed straight to her room after grabbing a snack from the kitchen.

As expected, Lavinia was asleep.Or so I thought.As I walked down the hall, her head peeked out of her bedroom.

“What are you doing up?” I asked.

“I was concerned about Abby because it’s late.”

“We went to Leo’s to pick up a car.”

“I know. She sent me a text, but I was still worried about her driving on that dark road at night.”

“I drove in front of her to provide some light.”

“Well, that was nice of you.” Her mouth curved into a smile as she stared at me oddly.


“It doesn’t take four hours to pick up a car,” she whispered.

I swallowed. “She wanted to see the animals.”

“Hmm…” Her look grew even more suspicious.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You’re not normally a stop-and-smell-the-flowers, see-the-animals type of person, Sigmund.”

“What are you implying, crazy woman? Get to the point.”

“I think Abby is a good influence on you.” She shrugged. “And I think staying out late might have been about more than just the car.”

“I know what you’re thinking. And I want you to stop, alright? Because you’re wrong.”