Page 107 of The Surrogate

Today was January second. New Year, new me. While most days had seemed to drag lately as I counted them away, today was different. Today demanded all of my attention. I was finally going to tell my parents about the baby. Lavinia was right. I needed to have the decency to tell my parentsbeforetheir grandchild was born. I stood by my decision not to divulge anything up to this point, however. I’d avoided months of unneeded stress and inquisition. Telling them now, with little more than a month to go, was my compromise.

I never would have admitted it to her, but Lavinia’s presence today was most appreciated. She was my ride or die and always supported me, despite the stupid decisions I made. I could’ve come home and announced that I’d murdered someone, and Lavinia would reprimand me first, then help me cover it up. That was the type of friend she was. I’d chosen to have my parents meet me at the inn so Lavinia could be by my side at the table as a much-needed buffer.

She walked in as I paced in the kitchen, waiting for my parents. “How are you doing?”

I stopped in my tracks. “Good. I’m ready. I have nothing to hide.” I inhaled a breath. “It feels like the right time.”

“That’s my boy.” She smiled. “Fancy a drink to calm down?”

“No. I need to save that for when they’re here. Although, believe me, the thought of getting totally pissed is tempting.”

“Did you tell Abby you were going to talk to them today?”

“No. I didn’t want to stress her. Or more, I knew she’d be stressed outfor me. She knows I’ve been dreading it. I’ll tell her when it’s over so she doesn’t have to worry.”

When the doorbell rang, I took a deep breath and readied myself to greet them. I’d prepared lunch for Mum and Dad but planned to get right to the point before any eating. I clapped my hands together. “It’s showtime.” I headed to the door with Lavinia behind.

Upon opening, I nearly fell back a step from the shock of seeing Abby standing there—rosy cheeks, wind-blown hair, andverypregnant.


“Oh my heavens!” Lavinia said.

“Abby!” I practically leapt forward, pulling her into a tight embrace—well, as tight as it could be with the massive beach ball in between us. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“I wanted to surprise you and Lavinia…”

I squeezed her tighter, not realizing until this moment justhowbadly I’d needed her back. There was nothing we couldn’t work out as long as she was here with me. After a moment, I reluctantly loosened my arms around her, bustling her inside and closing the door.

“Lavinia!” Abby reached out to hug her. “I missed you so much.”

“My dear, I’m so very happy right now. It’s so good to have you back.”

“It’s good to be back. I wasn’t sure I’d make it.”

“Your father is okay?” Lavinia asked.

Abby nodded. “Dad’s doctor gave him the all clear this week. And my sister is coming to stay with him for two weeks, which is basically a miracle. She should be arriving right around now. That’s the only reason I felt comfortable leaving him.”

“It’s about time she picked up some of the slack,” I grumbled.

Though Lavinia stood practically on top of us, I placed my hand around Abby’s cheek and brought her mouth into mine. Her lips were cold from the air outside, and I did my best to warm them. She seemed to relax as she gave in to our kiss. My body ached for more.

Then the doorbell rang.

I froze. “Shit,” I muttered, snapping back to reality.Poor Abby. She’d have to face my parents, too.

She turned to look at the door. “Who’s that?”

I caressed her tousled hair. “My parents.”

Her eyes widened. “Your parents?”

“I invited them over to finally tell them the news. I obviously didn’t know you were coming, so…”

“Oh…gosh.” She gripped her stomach. “Horrible timing. Should I leave?”

“Absolutely not. I have nothing to hide anymore. Unless you’re not comfortable.”