Page 122 of The Surrogate

I kissed his forehead. “God, I love you, little mate.”

Then I heard a voice behind me.

“Is he taking visitors?”

I turned to find Phil and Kate standing there.

“Hey.” I beamed with pride.

“Oh my God.” Kate covered her mouth as she leaned in to look at her grandson for the first time. “He looks like you.” She laughed.

“Poor little bastard, right? But at least he has Britney’s eyes.”

“You’re right. He does,” she said, her voice going wobbly with tears.

Phil looked down at the bracelet around my son’s wrist. “Knickerbocker, huh?”

“We didn’t have time to explain anything, so they gave him Abby’s last name based on her ID when we checked in. Everything happened so fast. I didn’t have the energy to go into it and didn’t want to cause confusion.” I offered the baby to Kate. “Would you like to hold him?”

Her eyes widened. “Is the sky blue?”

I chuckled and carefully placed him in her arms.

Phil leaned over her shoulder. “Hey, little buddy. It’s your grandpa.”

“Your grandad is a ballbuster. I hope you’re ready.” I rubbed the back of my hand against my son’s cheek. “Did you see Abby yet?”

“We went straight to her room when we arrived. She looks good, considering the hell she’s been through.”

“We could’ve lost her. And him. We got incredibly lucky.” My eyes began to sting again. “I couldn’t have survived losing another woman I love.”

“Wow.” Kate smiled up at me. “You love her. That makes me so happy.”

“There’s stilla lotto figure out, Kate. But I’m certain now that I want to raise my son. I hope that’s okay.”

“We knew that, Sig.” Phil laughed.

“You did?”

They looked at each other and smiled.

“Yes, of course we did,” Phil said. “We would’ve been thrilled either way, but in our hearts, we knew. We’re planning to be here most of the year to help you. We’ll all get to enjoy him and experience this together.”

My heart swelled, and I couldn’t wait any longer. “I need to take him to Abby. She hasn’t met him yet.”

“Go.” Kate handed me back my son. “Have your private introduction with Abby. We’ll be here, if you need us. We’re booking a room at the hotel down the road for the next couple of days. We’ll go grab coffee and meet up with you in a bit.”

I called over to the nurse. “I’m taking him to see Abby. Is that alright?”

“As long as you have that bracelet on, you’re good to go anywhere on the premises with him.” She stopped me before I left. “He’s going to need to eat. Do you know if Abby plans to breastfeed?”

“I don’t think so, no.”

She held out a bottle of what I assumed was formula. “Give this to him sometime in the next ten minutes or so. Let us know if there’s a problem with feeding.”

I took it. “Thank you.”

As I headed down the hallway in search of room 210, I felt like I was in the middle of a dream, one that had started as a nightmare before turning into something amazing.