“Besides, you were working on that new drinking game. Don’t you want to play it again with your friends?”

She’d told me all about it after their last hang-out, describing complicated rules that started with something like Flipcup and then spiraled into something else completely. Truth or Dare questions were involved, as well as a complex system of rewards and penalties. It sounded like the exact way my girl would want to spend the night, even if I couldn’t quite wrap my head around it.

“That gamewasfun,” she mused. “And I had some new ideas I was going to add. I think it would be cool if there were some would-you-rather questions along with the truths and dares. But would it be better to have them mixed in, or their own separate category?”

“Your friends can really follow all of these rules?”

“Oh, they love it.” She laughed. “The more confused we are, the tipsier we get.”

“You need to write one of these down one day and sell it.”

She snorted. “Yeah, right. Who’d want to buy something they could come up with themselves?”

“Not everyone can come up with this kind of thing,” I told her. “Why do you think people buy games? It’s not that easy.”

“You’re just saying that because you’re my honey.”

A few more days went by, and my trip to Boston ended as quickly as it had begun. Once I was home, I helped Chelsea get ready for her move—although my part was limited to calming her down when she was freaking out about what to pack.

At last, the big day came. She picked me up in her work truck, and this time, the back held suitcases instead of beer kegs.

“I can’t believe I’m really doing this.” She bounced slightly as she drove. “I signed a lease. I’m a lease-signer.”

Her excitement was infectious. “You won’t regret this.” I patted her knee.

We brought her things upstairs, along with an air mattress she’d bought to tide her over until she got furniture. Another trip to the furniture store would be in order soon, and I didn’t mind in the slightest.

She plugged in the air pump, then stood back to admire her handiwork. “So, here we are.”

I slung my arm around her waist. “Congratulations, babe. You deserve this.”

“Most people have a place of their own,” she demurred. “It’s not exactly an accomplishment.”

“Do you know how many of the kids I knew growing up are homeless now? Especially the ones who aged out of foster care. Do I need to start pulling out the statistics?”

“Oh, you’re going to play the foster kid card now?”

“It’s not a card.” I squeezed her hip. “I’m serious. This is a big step for you, and not everyone manages to do this. I’m proud of you, Chelsea.”

Her cheeks colored. “The mattress is full.” She unplugged the pump and put it away, almost shyly.

I moved behind her and planted both hands on her ass. “Now, you know we need to break in that air mattress, right?”

“That we do.” She turned her head to smile up at me. “We definitely do.”

Seeing that smile from her always got my heart racing and my blood pumping. “Then you have far too many clothes on.”

“Funny, I was just thinking the same about you.” She kissed me deeply, slipping in some tongue that made heat rush to my core. “And I think you should be the one to break it in.”

“Oh, I will.”

“You know what I mean, don’t you?” She drew back slightly, looking at me with something like concern. “I don’t always want to take and never give.”

“It’s fine for now.”

“I don’t want it to be fine.” Her hand drifted down my V-neck until her palm lay cupped around my budding nipple. “I want to please you, Tara.”

“Not yet.” I sucked in a breath, my teeth digging into my lower lip. “I’ll get there eventually. For now, you can just enjoy being my pillow princess.”