And that meant I still had a chance with her. Not that I wanted it—not that I’d ever take it—but at the moment, with the alcohol flowing through my veins and her standing close enough to feel her body heat, it was easy to forget that.

“Okay, that wasn’t fair,” I said. “I don’t know what you’re dealing with. If you’re confused, or if…”

She took a few halting steps toward me—and this time, I didn’t back away.

“So why are you talking to me?” I asked again, but even as the words left my lips, I already knew the answer.

Her face came closer, her beauty mesmerizing me so that I couldn’t move. All I could do was let my eyes fall shut as her lips met mine for a second time. Her breath caught mine, and that same strawberry scent had my head spinning. What was happening? Why was she doing this—and why was I letting her?

Why did I feel absolutely zero urge to pull away?

My hands drifted up and over her back until I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She was small and soft, and it had been far too long since I kissed a woman properly.Blame the alcohol later. I’d deal with all the questions and confusion later. Right now, the only sound I could hear was my heart pounding in my ears. All I needed in this one brief moment was her.

Her.MeaningChelsea. As realization hit me, I dropped my arms and stepped away from her. As I stared at her in shock, she opened her eyes languorously. The most satisfied, contented smile was on the plush lips I’d just been kissing.

“That felt nice,” she said slowly. “I liked that.”

“Good for you.” I crossed my arms. I’d said I wouldn’t let her experiment with me, and then I’d gone right ahead and done it. I glanced toward my friends, who were gawking at us openly. They didn’t even know who Chelsea was!

She blinked. “Tara…” She took my hand in both of hers. “There’s something about you.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty great.”

Another blink of her slightly glazed eyes. “I want to try this.”

I stiffened. Try me out and then go back to men? No, thanks. No way.

“Let me take you on a date.”

“An actual date?” Everything she’d said and done implied she was only interested in the physical aspect.

“Yes.” She didn’t elaborate any more than that.

I scratched the back of my head. It may have been dumb to even think about this, but there was something about her, too. Something that kept drawing me back even when I knew better. I liked Chelsea. I even liked that she’d barreled over here and interrupted my night out with my friends, then taken charge and kissed me. That took balls, especially coming from a “straight” girl.

Or maybe I was just morbidly curious to see what would happen if I accepted.

She swayed on her feet. “Let me take you out. Six o’clock tomorrow. I’ll pick you up.”

My eyebrows rose. “Sure. Okay.”

I might as well say yes.

She wasn’t going to remember this tomorrow, anyway.



“Oh my God.” I was freaking out.

“Chelsea, stop freaking out.” Lora swatted me on the arm. “You’re going to be fine.”

The four of us had been over at Ivy’s all day. We’d crashed here since she was too tired to take us all home after dancing for hours. We stayed for brunch, which turned into a movie marathon, and now we were doing each other’s nails like we were back in high school.

The whole day, I’d had a pit in my stomach. I was supposed to take Tara out. The moment when she accepted had seemed so magical at the time. I’d been so sure that was what I wanted. Now I wondered what I’d been thinking. A date with a girl? That wasn’t me.

“Can’t I not show up?” I asked frantically. It was already four-thirty, and I was going to have to go home, shower, and change before six.