But before that—lastly, and most importantly—I was going to open up to her in a whole other way.

I was going to give her what she’d been desiring for months.

“Baby!” Chelsea stood a few feet away, her arms hovering by her sides as if she was afraid to touch me. When I closed the distance between us, she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me hard.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I love you.”

“I’m the only one who should be apologizing.” She slid her hands down my arms, sending flames through my core.

“I’ve been too closed off, too secretive. I can trust you, and I know that now.”

“Yes, you can. Let’s sit down, and you can tell me everything that’s been going on.” She tried to pull me toward the table.

I resisted. “After,” I said.

“After what?” She looked at me innocently.

I bit my lip. I didn’t want her to think I’d invited her over just for sex. Honestly, this was more for her than for me. I was probably going to be too nervous to enjoy it properly—but at least it would be a start.

“I said I trust you,” I repeated slowly. “In every way.”

The light began to dawn in her eyes.

“Only if you feel like it,” I hurried to add. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or pressure you in any way.”

“Baby.” She cut me off with a soft kiss. “I’ve felt like it since the day I first offered this. Hell, part of me has felt like it since the day I met you.”

My cheeks heated. “If you’re sure.”

“One hundred and ten percent.” She backed me into my room, her eyes glowing as if she’d been waiting her whole life for this.

Her obvious excitement only made me more nervous. What if I couldn’t relax and let go? “Maybe I should do you first,” I said, “just to warm up.”

“Or maybe you should lie down and let me do all the work.” She nudged me onto the bed.

I raised my arms and lifted my butt, allowing her to strip off my clothes. Being naked while she was dressed felt funny, yet somehow arousing at the same time. “This is work, is it?”

“A figure of speech,” she murmured with her lips on my neck. “I suspect it’s more like fun stuff. And I’ve been letting you have all the fun.”

Her lips touched my nipple, and a gasp tore through my throat. As my areolas pebbled, the space between my legs grew hot and damp and needy for her touch. I’d craved her hands on me so often, and it was going to happen any second. Preferably now, because I didn’t think I could wait a second longer.

She turned her attention to my other nipple, licking and sucking and laving all over. My breath was ragged as I waited for more—and waited, and waited.

“Baby.” I touched her hand, hoping that would be enough of a hint as to what I wanted.

With a sly smirk, she brought her hand to my apex. “So you do like me,” she said, feeling my wetness. “I wasn’t sure sometimes.”

“I already told you that I love you,” I gasped out. “Anything else you want to know?”

“Just how much do you love me?” She moistened her fingers in my arousal, then slid them over my aching bud. “Never mind. I’ll find out.”

I groaned and lay back, unsure and yet surprisingly comfortable. My nerves were still running high, and yet I was more at ease with Chelsea than I would’ve been with any other person. She was more than my girlfriend—she was my partner, and considering how intimately I knew her body, it only felt right to give her access to mine.

Her fingers dipped into my entrance, then swirled around my nub. Her lips caught mine, and I gasped into her mouth. She kissed me while my arousal mounted higher. I could actually hear the sound of my slickness on her hand. I had never been so wet.

A minute of that had me writhing and squirming. It felt so strange to give up control, yet so right to hand it to Chelsea. She lifted her head from one last kiss and began to kiss her way down my body. My center was tight with anticipation—but when her lips reached my mound, my whole body tensed up.

“Let’s dial it back,” she murmured, placing a loving pat on my thigh.