She came behind the dolly and gave it a push. When it only moved about an inch, she tried again. “How in the world do you manage this?”

“Muscles.” I smirked.

Her eyes skimmed over my arms. “You are seriously built.”

“Oh, you just noticed?” I stood back and flexed. People were always shocked when they realized the power I packed in my petite frame.

“Trust me, I have.” She wasn’t just looking at my biceps anymore, and her eyes said she wanted to do a lot more than appreciate them.

I licked my lips, keenly aware that a few customers were browsing through the aisles. “You going to let me do my job, then?”

“All right. I’ll stand on the side and be your cheerleader.”

I could feel her eyes on me as I put the barrel under the bar and went back for the second one. One customer walked out of the door, and then the other.

“I’m even more impressed by the fact that you do that all day, every day,” Tara said.

I shrugged, standing up straight. “It was hard at first, but you get used to it.”

“Now you don’t even break a sweat.” She gazed at the neckline of my shirt, then back at my face. “You’re amazing.”

Heat rose to my cheeks. “Flattery gets you nowhere.”

“Is that right?”

My heart hammered, and I lowered my voice. “Not if you’re already where you want to be.”

We had a date on Friday. It was pretty much guaranteed that we were going to rip each other’s clothes off and have our fill of each other. That was only two days from now. Fifty-three, maybe fifty-four hours. There was no reason for us to be standing here staring at each other with unrestrained lust, the air between us thick with sexual tension.

But Tara stepped toward me, close enough that I could feel her body heat. “Where do you think I want to be, exactly?”

I gulped. Men weren’t this straightforward with me unless we were both wasted. Even then, we quickly established that we were both on the same page, and then we went and did it. There were none of this complexity, this need to pursue as well as be pursued. Tara claimed she was a relationship person, and that she was going outside of her norm to do this with me. If I said the wrong thing, I might spook her and make her lose interest altogether. And that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I decided to be direct—but not too direct. “I think you want me,” I told her.

“You know what?” She leaned in, and the heat of her breath tickled my ear. “You’re right.”

“Friday?” I breathed.

She stepped back, leaving me gasping. The moment was over—or was it? She was still giving me that lustful look, her eyes dark and heavy-lidded. “Meet me in the restroom.”

Was she serious? My pulse was skyrocketing. I stared at her, looking for some sign that she was joking.

She gave me a tiny smile, then the smallest, subtlest nod toward the restrooms. Then she was gone, and I found myself unable to breathe.

Were we really doing this? I’d been dreaming of it for weeks, and now it was actually happening. I took a small step toward the women’s room, then stopped and wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead. Was I misinterpreting what she wanted? Maybe we’d just make out—but she’d said she wanted me. Oh my God, I was going to do this.

I practically ran into the restroom, where Tara was waiting. “So here we are. The benefit of same-sex relationships.” She locked the door with a key from her pocket. “Works extra well when you’re dating an employee.”

Dating. Oh my God. But we’d already been on one date, so she wasn’t wrong. My knees were ready to buckle, and my mind was barely functioning. I was supposed to be doing rounds, wasn’t I? I was going to be late for my next stop—but somehow, there wasn’t one single smidgen of me that cared.

Before I could think of words to respond, she’d pushed me up against the sink. Her lips were on mine, hard and aggressive, and I responded with equal fervor. My body had been longing for hers ever since the last time we’d kissed. It’d only been a few days, but it was far, far, too long.

The space between my legs tingled in a whole different way. My panties were drenched, and my nipples cried for attention. Tara swept back my hair so she could go for my neck, her teeth digging in painfully. This was going to leave a mark, but it felt so—damn—good. I couldn’t have stopped her even if I’d wanted to.

“What have you done to me?” she murmured under her breath.

“Me? I should be asking you the same question.”