“I have a pretty decent idea!” I’d be nervous when it came to my first time, but I was confident, too. I’d only been dreaming about and planning it for, oh, about ten years.

“Chelsea might, too,” Nia said. “There’s a little thing called lesbian porn.”

“I’m sure she doesn’t watch that,” I said.

“Why not?” she said. “Plenty of straight girls do.”

“Really? Why?”

“It’s supposed to be more sensual, more focused on female pleasure,” she said, never taking her eyes off the headboard she was building. “And apparently a lot of lesbians like gay porn.”

“Ew, what?” Trevor said. “Does that mean you’re fantasizing about us, Tara?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, dude. I have a camera set up in your bedroom.” I tried to return to the subject I needed their input about. “Anyway, lesbian porn is all gross and fake. Even if she watched it, she wouldn’t learn much from it.”

“True,” Nia mused, reaching for another piece of wood. The bed was starting to look almost like a bed, and that was all thanks to her. My whole room was going to be transformed once we were done with this.

“I’ve been with straight guys,” Kyle said. “Sometimes they have innate talents.”

The thought made me shiver. I wondered what it would be like if I went for it.

Maybe I was just as “curious” as Chelsea.

My friends left late Monday afternoon, and my apartment felt emptier than usual. For three days, my friends had filled it with so much life, and now it was back to just me alone. I’d given in and bought the guitar, and I spent my spare time fooling around with it. Still, the hours seemed long.

I flipped through a few news articles on my phone, and then my fingers found my contacts. Chelsea and I had finally exchanged numbers, and part of me wanted to dial her right now. What could it hurt? I’d just check in with her. It didn’t have to be a whole thing. Or I could tell her that I just wanted to be friends. Except that wasn’t the case… so why was I calling her?

The phone was already ringing, and she picked up before I could hang up. “Tara?” She sounded breathless.

“Yeah, hey.”

“I didn’t think you were going to call.”

Guilt stabbed at my stomach. Should I have called earlier? “Sorry. It was Thanksgiving, I was with my friends…”

“Of course, yeah, no problem.” She seemed oddly nervous. “How was it with them?”

“Good. We built the bed.”

“Ah, that must’ve been fun.”

“You’d be surprised. With the right people, anything can be fun.”

“Really? What about waterboarding?”

I choked on a laugh. “Waterboarding?”

“With the right people, anything can be fun,” she said innocently.

“Okay, maybe not anything.” I let out a breath. “How about you? Did you have a good weekend?”

“I hung out with my family and ate a lot of leftover turkey.”

“Turkey sandwiches?”

“Nah, my mom likes to get fancy. Turkey casserole, turkey frittata, turkey tetrazzini…”

Her whole family life was nothing short of idyllic. “Your mom sounds amazing.” I couldn’t keep a note of wistfulness out of my voice.