I smirked at him.“Whatever makes you feel better, man.”
“It’s not like that.I’m not used to people not liking me.I was sure last session that I’d win him over, but no dice.”
“Maybe you could ask him about his books?”
“Tried that,” Parker said, unwrapping the bubble wrap and shaking out a mattress pad.“He said I wouldn’t like them.”
“Ah.Well, now you have me.”I shot him a winning smile.“So you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”
“Great, so I traded in a guy who ignored me for his books to a guy who can’t stop staring at my best friend’s dick.”
I laughed, shaking my head.“I like him for more than his dick, jackass.”
“It’s a nice dick, though, isn’t it?”
“You guys have fooled around?”I couldn’t contain the jealous gasp, and Parker shook his head, smiling a little.
“Nah, but a guy can’t help but try to look, right?”
“Oh my god,” I groaned.“Let’s stop talking about my boyfriend’s cock and get this prank ready.”
And I’d never admit it out loud, but Parker was kind of right about the prank.It did ease some of the first-day nerves and tensions among the campers.Well, after scaring the shit out of them, anyway.
Thesmelloffreshcoffee and the sound of sizzling bacon filled the air as I sat down next to Jay in the bustling lodge.It was the third day of Session 2 at Camp Eagle Ridge, and while I was thrilled by the perks of being in an official relationship — namely the double bed and shared cabin — I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness.I missed the easy camaraderie between us during camp activities, and was struggling to connect with Ben, who seemed more interested in his books than me.
“God, I’m going to miss you so much,” I murmured, stealing a glance at Jay between bites of my scrambled eggs.His perfect lips curved into a smile as he reached over to squeeze my knee under the table.
“Hey, we still get to spend a lot of time together,” he assured me, his soft voice soothing the ache in my chest.He leaned in closer, his eyes sparkling, and whispered, “And I’m still pleasantly sore from how hard you fucked me this morning.”
“Mmm, I wouldn’t mind being back in our bed right now,” I murmured.
“Well, you only have to wait until 4 p.m.You can make it that long, can’t you?Besides, it’ll give you a chance to bond with Ben.”We both looked at Ben, and I burst out laughing.Ben seemed to get along with Jay, but hadn’t made any effort to hide his dislike for me.
Jay squeezed my hand, and I sighed, knowing he was right.I could have fun at camp without him — hell, I’d had fun at camp without him for over ten years before he showed up and threw my life into a tailspin.But that didn’t make the prospect of spending less time with him any easier to swallow.Parker started telling a wild story about one of the pranks their session 2 campers had pulled, and as I watched Jay laugh with him and some of the other counselors, I couldn’t help but feel a little left out.
“Come on, Aiden,” Jay encouraged, nudging me gently.“You never know, you and Ben might end up being great friends.He’s a really cool guy, when you can get him to talk.”
“Maybe,” I conceded, trying to muster a genuine smile.But the truth was, all I wanted was to spend every waking moment with Jay - exploring the woods, swimming in the lake, and most importantly, sharing stolen kisses when no one else was around.The breakfast bell rang, and the campers started dutifully carrying over their food trays, ending my final moment with Jay.I squeezed his hand, kissed him on the top of the head, and stood.
“Alright, guys, let’s get this day started!”Parker yelled, clapping his hands together.We all stood, clearing away our breakfast dishes and gathering our campers before heading out to face the day.
As I walked alongside Jay toward our respective activity stations, I couldn’t shake the feeling of yearning that clawed at my heart.I knew that things would be different this session, but I couldn’t help wishing that we could stay in our little bubble of happiness forever.
“Hey,” Jay whispered, grabbing my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.“I’ll miss you.I bet you’re better at arts and crafts than Ben.”
“Oh god, we have archery,” I laughed.“Maybe I am glad to have Ben, he grew up here.”
“Well, there you go — you can get through an archery session without anyone needing to be rushed to the first aid station.”He winked, and I laughed, thinking about his archery disaster.As his fingers entwined with mine, I knew that no matter what, this was going to be the best summer of my life, spending stolen moments throughout the day with him, sneaking kisses and holding hands.And, of course, there were the less innocent hours we spent together in bed, exploring our every desire.
The path forked, and Jay and I said our goodbyes as he and Parker headed for the arts and crafts cabin.Ben and I corralled our group of young campers toward the archery range.My heart ached as I watched Jay walk away with Parker and their campers.I knew that we’d see each other later, but it was little consolation for the time we’d be apart.
It was possible that I was developing an unhealthy obsession.I shook my head and turned toward the campers.
“Alright, everyone,” I announced, clapping my hands together to get the campers’ attention.“Welcome to archery!We’re going to have a great time today.”