Page 5 of Consume Me

“Actually, yes, thank you,” Remington responded, ignoring her flirtation.

“That will be all, Benita.”

Benita swished out of my office. I sat back in my chair and sighed. I needed to decide if she was worth having around for much longer.

“Your assistant is barking up the wrong tree,” Remington chuckled, unbuttoning his suit jacket.

“I know.”

“She’s like that with you?” His brows knitted together, and he frowned at her aggressiveness.

Groaning, I rubbed a hand down my face. “What brings you by?” I wanted to get back to checking on Emersyn and everyone and their mom was in my way.

“I got your invitation from the night club, and I wanted to check on you and see how business was going.”

Remington as a senator meant technically we were on opposite sides of things. As a business owner I felt like some of the things politicians did were the same as corrupt businessmen, but he tried to make it all about helping the public.

“Business is business. How are things with you and your wife?”

“Good. I wanted to catch up with you about the news segment about the club and some of the worries that the counsel is having.”

Grunting, I knew there was a reason for him to check up on me. “It’s not a sex club.”

“Esteban, I’m not stupid. As your friend and as a senator, I need to know it’s legit.”

I scratched my chin. “A small section I do plan on building in a year or two will be set up for adult only themes. For now, it’s a regular night club. Part of the opening night profits will be donated to charity.”

“That’s all it is?”

Leaning forward, I locked my hands together. “What did you think I was going to do?”

His amusement filled eyes dared me to question him. “Honestly, I thought your ass was running an undercover sex ring.”

The both of us burst into laughter at his suggestion. “Brother, I do a lot of business, but not that type.”

“How will you navigate that with your family's name?”

I shrugged. Originally, I wanted to have a night club as the stomping ground for my business. With all the news stories and social media commentary, people knew me as a single billionaire playboy, and I loved being in control. Having a place built for people to enjoy that lifestyle was a money maker. Passions would be a prime location.

“You should have it connected to the cigar bar,” Remington said.

“Gerald knows about your suggestion?”

He waved me off. “He would be the perfect person to partner with. The amount of traffic that comes into the bar will benefit you both.”

I ran an impatient hand through my hair. “Maybe,” I mumbled.

“Are you planning on bringing someone to the opening?”

“I have my pick already,” I said with a wide grin on my face.

“Who?” Remington asked, his brow crinkled in confusion.


Remington choked on his glass of water. “Emersyn, as in Sanya’s friend?”

I laughed and rose to grab the box of tissues from the couch and cleaned up the spill on my desk. “I talked to her in person.”