Page 42 of Burn Me

“This has gone on long enough. I’m missing classes!” Ever exclaims, frustration evident in her tone. “I’ve got everything riding on this fucking year, and this shitshow is messing everything up!”

It’s rare for Ever to let stress get to her, to admit that the pressure’s boiling over. It does something to me, seeing her like this – all fired up, her blonde hair messy from all the fucking, butshe is beautiful, perfect. It’s not just about territory or pride. It’s personal for each of us, but for Ever? It’s her future on the line.

“Then we end it,” I reply. “We end it now and make sure they don’t forget it.”

She nods sharply, her jaw clenched. “It has to be tonight. One way or another, this ends.”

Her words strike a chord deep inside me. It arouses me, and I want to bend her over the couch again, but we need to focus.

“Ben, you call the shots for this. Let’s see what you’ve got,” Alistair says with a smirk.

I return it, giving him the finger. He is being a dick, but that’s fine. I can take it.

Ever watches me, waiting. She doesn’t say it, but I know she’s counting on me. They all are.

“Charlie,” I start, my voice steady, “you’re on distraction. Keep them guessing. You’re the wildcard. We know it, they know it, and they won’t know what to expect from you.”

“Carnage? Destruction? Their heads on pikes?”

“All of that.”

“Can’t fucking wait.” He grins. “I’ll give them a show they won’t forget.”

“Damien, you see things the rest of us don’t. You’re our eyes and ears. Stay back and watch for anything. We don’t know what to expect, so it’s a judgement call.”

He nods but says nothing. He doesn’t need to.

“Ever, Alistair, you’re with me. We stand united, front and centre. They need to see we’re not backing down.”

Alistair’s lips curl into a half-smirk, approving. “Fuck, yes.”

“We stick to what we excel at—our skills, our minds.”

“Sounds like a damn plan,” Charlie murmurs.

“Ben,” Ever’s voice cuts through the growing tension. “What about Alex’s twin? I don’t know how I know this, but the lookin his eyes the other night. What he said to me. He’s caught in Crystal’s web.”

“You’re banking a lot on faith, Princess.”

“No one hurts him unless it’s life or death,” Ever whispers.

“It’s always life or death,” Damien states flatly.

“You know what I mean,” she hisses. “Please. I don’t think he’s bad.”

“He set you up to be raped,” Alistair snarls, rising from his seat in one fluid motion. “He doesn’t get a pass for that.”

Ever’s face pales. “I know, but I can’t shake the feeling that there is more to his story than just turning up in this rival faction and causing shit. He’s after something bigger. Something that matters more.”

“Maybe, but you were caught in the crossfire, twice, Princess. It’s a tough call.”

“Please, if I’m wrong, then I’ll bear the weight of that. But I don’t think I am.”

“You are a bigger person than me,” I murmur. “Okay, we’ll watch him. If there’s a chance to pull him out, we take it—but only if it doesn’t jeopardise us.”

Ever smiles shakily in thanks, but I exchange a glance with Alistair. This is really his call. He shakes his head imperceptibly, and I nod back in agreement. We can watch, but if he even breathes in Ever’s direction, he’s done.

“Ever. Send a text to Crystal. Set up a meet in the woods on the far side of campus for an hour. She’ll answer. It’s time we end this.”