Page 17 of Burn Me

We all knew it was coming. She didn’t.

“Fuck,” I murmur, pride swelling in my chest.

With the hiss of seared flesh, she’s become part of something more—part of us, bound by fire and will.

Our wrists bear the same mark now, raw and red against our skin. It’s not just ink or a badge—it’s a brand, a shared burn that’ll scar over but never fade. We look down at them, feelingthe weight of what we’ve just sworn to, the bond we’ve forged. It’s as permanent as the legacy we carry, as enduring as the challenges ahead.

Ever’s hand trembles slightly as she touches the raised skin, her face betraying nothing of the pain I know she feels.

“Remember,” the Elder says, his voice echoing oddly against the stone walls, “this mark isn’t just burn and scar. It’s a promise to the legacy of KnightsGate. You carry our history, our secrets, and the future of this sect on your skin.”

His words wrap around us, a reminder that’s as chilling as it is true. We’ve crossed a line tonight; there’s no going back. The branding iron might have seared our flesh, but it’s his words that brand our minds. We feel the weight of centuries resting on our shoulders, a burden we’ve been chosen to bear.

“Mark me, now burn me.” Ever’s hand finds mine in the dark as she looks up at me.

I gaze back at her but say nothing. There is nothing to say.

We turn away from the Elder and stride back the way we came.

“Damn,” Charlie breathes out as we wind our way back to the manor. “That was intense.”

“Understatement of the century,” I reply, my throat tight. My brand itches, a constant reminder of what we just endured.

“Home,” Ever whispers, her voice steady despite everything.

“Home,” I echo, and there’s power in that word, a promise of sanctuary in the chaos we’ve willingly stepped into.

As we reach the ground floor of the manor, I kiss Ever’s hand as Ben closes the door behind us.

“Tomorrow’s another day,” I murmur.

“Let’s make the most of tonight then,” Ever says, her green eyes meeting mine, and wild horses couldn’t stop me from my next move.



The moment Alistair’s fingers lace through mine, a shiver races up my spine. He doesn’t wait for permission. His grip is firm and decisive as he pulls me up the stairs and towards my bedroom. This pull between us is like a magnetic field, undeniable and electric.

“Ever,” Alistair whispers against my ear, and I can feel the warmth of his breath, sending tingles down my neck. His other hand traces the curve of my waist, igniting a trail of heat that pools deep inside me.

My wrist burns, and my back stings, but I don’t care. Right here, right now, is everything I want. I don’t need my friends who have betrayed me by believing the horrible rumours. I don’t need my parents, who have lied to me.

I don’t need anybody except these four men.

We cross the threshold, and our bodies collide with a hunger that’s raw and unapologetic. His lips find mine in the darkness, a kiss of passion that leaves no room for thought. Only feeling. Only need.

Ben joins us; his presence is quieter but no less intense. He steps into the cocoon of warmth Alistair and I have created, histouch gentle compared to Alistair’s fiery caress. Where Alistair’s hands declare ownership, Ben’s seek out secrets, coaxing pleasure from shadowed places with a patience that has my knees buckling.

“Relax,” Ben murmurs, his voice low and soothing. His palms glide over me, mapping territory as if he has all the time in the world. Alistair’s mouth never leaves mine, devouring each gasp and moan that Ben coaxes from me.

They’re so different, these two men who unravel me. Alistair seems to demand everything at once while Ben disassembles my defences piece by piece with a gentle persistence that’s just as overwhelming.

I’m caught in the sensation that threatens to sweep me away as Charlie’s gaze burns into me from the corner, a silent promise etched in the depths of his eyes. He strips away his clothes with a deliberate slowness that feels like a tease, each piece discarded amplifying the heat within the room. The room is thick with lust as he moves, the bed dipping under his weight as we join him, a predator claiming his share.

Damien remains in the corner of the room, watching. Waiting. His eyes never leave us, the intensity of his stare almost tangible. I can feel the weight of his gaze like a physical touch, setting my nerves on fire, making me acutely aware of every move, every caress between Alistair, Ben, and Charlie.

“Ever,” Charlie whispers as Ben strips me of my clothes, one by one, achingly slowly, making me moan for more.