Page 67 of Mark Me

She’s seen it—the ritual, our secret. The thing we keep locked up tight, away from prying eyes, and now, she’s standing on the inside, her world about to tilt off its axis. Her presence here is like a live wire, sizzling through the thick air that reeks of candle wax and something darker.

I know what this means for her, for us. She’s in deep now, whether she likes it or not.

“Friday is the day we exact justice for True North. The Elder knows his role.”

Hearing Alistair’s words, but not really taking them in. It’s done. We finish the meeting, but the echo of the final word doesn’t fade—it hangs there, waiting for Ever to uncover the secrets we bury in the dark.As I slip out of the chamber, my mind’s a mess, but Ever has stepped into a nightmare, and I can’t wake her up. Not yet.

“Shit,” I hiss as I make my way back up the tunnel. Do I call it out?

No. Telling now would be lighting a fuse to dynamite. Alistair would go ballistic; his cool façade would crack, revealing the tornado underneath. Ben might look like he’s lost in thought, but he’d snap to attention, sharp as a blade. Damien would drag her back in here as quickly as he could.

My head’s spinning faster than a carnival ride. If I blurt it out, drag her secret into the light, Ever is thrown into the deep end without a life vest. She’s tougher than she looks, but this is another beast altogether. It’s not just secrets; it’s a legacy of shadows we’re all shackled to.

“Damn it,” I mutter, every nerve ending in my body screaming that this is wrong. But if I keep my mouth shut, maybe I can shield her a bit longer.

Ever doesn’t belong here, not among these ancient stones that have witnessed too much. Her name carries weight, but the darkness we dabble in? It’s poison, and she’s not built for our brand of chaos.

Not yet.

There is supposed to be more time.

Always more time.

There will be hell to pay when the truth spills out, but for now, I’ll let the lie protect her. Just for a little longer.

She’s seen too much, and now she’s in the gamewithout even knowing the rules. I rake a hand through my hair, thinking about how she’s tied to us now. She’s got no idea how deep this pit goes, and I’ve just let her fall right in without catching her.

I shuffle away from the underbelly of KnightsGate Manor. The shadows seem to reach for me, as if to snatch the secret right out of my chest. I don’t let them. With each step, the floor throws my heavy footfalls back at me—a mocking reminder that I’m walking this tightrope alone.

“Fuck.” The word barely cuts through the haunting silence. The secret burns in my throat, itching to break free. Ever’s green eyes flash in my memory, wide with shock, fear, anddisgust.She shouldn’t have seen what she did.

Waiting’s a bloody game, but I’ll play it. I’ll wait for the perfect moment to spill everything, even though every second weighs a ton. Because when the storm comes—and it will come—I need to make damn sure Ever isn’t swept away by it.



Achill worms through my jacket and raises goosebumps on my skin. I keep my head down, books clutched to my chest like a shield as I navigate the sea of students spilling across the KnightsGate University campus. I left home early, so I didn’t see any of the guys before I slipped out. The whispers from last night echo in my mind, dark rituals and chants that I can’t shake off, making me feel like I’m still trapped in that eerie moment, drenched in a cold sweat.

I can sense the stares; the sideways glances shot my way. I realise my mistake instantly. I’m alone and fair game. Despite his shittiness towards me and many others, Stanley was popular. The resentment that I got him expelled and worse is being aimed in my direction even though I did nothing wrong. I’ve always been an outsider, but now I’m on the inside of a very hostile situation.

Looking over my shoulder as I stumble over thegrass, when I face forward again, Eric and Robbie are lurking by the old oak tree, sneers plastered on their faces like they’re the kings of this place. Gulping, I want nothing more than to turn around and blend into the crowd going the other way. But it’s too late; they’ve seen me.

“Hey, Ever!” Eric calls out, his voice sickly sweet with malice. “Where the fuck are you off to in such a hurry?”

Robbie steps in front of me, blocking my path. “You’re not going anywhere, little bitch,” he hisses.

“Snitches get stitches.”

Gasping, I turn at the poisonous comment of a second-year girl I’ve seen hanging out with Stanley. They’re all around me now, circling me like hyenas.

I try to sidestep them, but Robbie shoves me back.


A bubble of terror swells in my chest, threatening to burst. These guys have been quiet since the night Stanley drugged me, but now here they are, all fired up and ready to tear into me.

I know it’s because I’m alone. Easy prey.