Page 47 of Mark Me

Don’t back down. Whatever happens, don’t back down.

“Come in, Ever,” Chancellor Aldritch says, his voice low and oddly soothing. He’s perched behind his massive desk, stacks of papers around him like he’s the king of academia. Well, I guess he is here. A prestigious job, to say the least; he is also an old friend of my dad’s, so he doesn’t scare me as much as he does some of the students here.

“Thanks.” My words are a whisper, betraying the tremor I feel inside. I hate that. I need to be strong,unflappable Ever, not some nervous kid. “Good Afternoon, Chancellor.”

“Sit down,” he motions towards the chair opposite him. It’s not a suggestion; it’s a command. But his eyes, they’re not cold. There’s something like warmth there, maybe even concern.

“How are you, Ever?”

“Erm, good thanks. How are you?”

He snorts. “I’m fine. But this isn’t a social call. You know your dad asked me to look out for you when you were accepted to study here. I’ve taken that job seriously. I’ve kept tabs on you from time to time. This new housing situation... it’s concerning.”


“Hmm. Did you not think to call the Housing Office to find you something?”

“I did!” I exclaim, my cheeks going hot with the memory of being brushed off like shit on a shoe. “The after-hours guy told me to get lost. It was Friday night. I needed somewhere to stay. It’s fine. They’re nice.”

“Are you sure? They seem a little wayward for you.”

“Wayward?” This conversation is going south, but at least Stanley hasn’t come up.

“The report you filed about Stanley Richford. I can only assume you were at that party because of them.”

Jinxed it, you utter pillock.

“Actually, no. They came and got me out of a bad situation. They saved me.”

His eyes narrow, and his lips press together as ifhe’s trying to suspend his belief far enough to trust me.

“Your father asked me to look out for you,” he says again, folding his hands on the desk. “He’s proud of you, Ever, we all are. Your academic record is impressive.”

Is this what the meeting is about? A pat on the back? Relief washes over me, but it’s mixed with a weird sort of embarrassment. Praise should feel good, right? But when it’s related to my name, it just feels like another reminder that I’m different.

“Thank you, Chancellor.”

Dad always said our name means something, but at KnightsGate, it feels like a noose around my neck. Still, knowing he’s got my back, even from afar, steadies the fluttering in my chest. I’ve got this. Whatever ‘this’ turns out to be.

“I’ll cut to the chase, Ever. You’re on track for Summa Cum Laude,” he says, his voice steady, eyes locked on mine. “You can’t afford to stumble now. This is a critical time. The people you associate with and the situations you find yourself in... you need to make smart choices.”

My heart skips as I ignore everything except those three glittering words.

Summa Cum Laude.

That’s the dream – my dream. The reason I grind through every essay, have star attendance and bury myself in books till dawn.

But his words are a jolt; they mean I’m really doing it, not just chasing but catching.

“Focus on your studies. Be happy with your academic life.” He leans back, eyeing me like he’s trying to read my thoughts. “Is there anything you need? Anything at all?”

“Thank you, Chancellor,” I reply, as if he had anything to do with my colossal achievement. Could-be achievement if I don’t fuck this up royally. “I’m fine, really. I’ve got everything under control. In fact, this information is vital. I will double down. You know I want this.” The personal words tumble out. We try to remain professional on campus despite him being Uncle Dave at home, but heknowshow much this means to me.

“Those are the fighting words I love to hear.” He beams at me. “As a result of this, you have been chosen as the keynote speaker for the Alumni Ball in two weeks.”

The words crash into me like a wave. No. No. No. I can’t.

“Me?” I can’t hide the quiver in my voice, the room suddenly too tight around me. “Why?”