Page 66 of Four-ever Single

Bella: I do, but it doesn’t make sense to keep doing it if it’s going to put me and those I love in danger.

Me: We’ll figure out who’s behind those emails and stop it. Don’t do anything you’re going to regret, Bella. Just give me a little time to take care of this.

Bella: But we don’t even know who it might be. It could literally be anyone—and even worse, we don’t know if it’s one guy or two. Hell, there could be several at this point. I haven’t bothered to check my email since last night. My agent knows to call if she needs anything, but who knows what’s waiting for me in my inbox?

Me: We’ll take care of it.

Bella: But how? My getting married apparently triggered anger in some people around town. Who’s to say when it will stop? Or if it will ever stop.

I was about to respond when Capshaw came in and nodded for me to head inside.

Me: I have to go; Nate is calling a meeting. I’ll text you as soon as I can, but please don’t do anything until then. Love you.

Bella: Love you too.



I was going stir-crazy sitting at home, so I put on a movie and forced myself to try to watch it. But every time it got to a sappy love scene, I had to look away because it made the hurt in my heart that much stronger with how much I missed Jones.

It felt silly to be so upset about it, but at the same time, it felt like more than just missing him while he was at work. It was like something bigger had changed between us, and the promise of spending forever with him felt like it was now in jeopardy. It was a nagging feeling I’d had since the moment I woke up and was strong enough to make me throw up the food Lia tried to force me to eat.

Giving in to temptation, I went into my room to get my iPad out of my duffle bag, frustrated when it wasn’t there. I must have forgotten it in the rush to get everything packed last night.

There was no way I was going to be able to sit around at home all day and not stress over what was happening, so I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my keys, and headed over to Jones’s place to grab it. The least I could do while cooped up at Lia’s house was figure out who was sending the emails. It was a short drive, and I would be back before anyone knew I was gone.



Nate was talking about the situation and making sure the guys knew what was going on until we could get a handle on it, but I couldn’t focus for shit with my mind constantly wandering to Bella. Just as he was about to wrap things up, the siren started, and we got the call to respond to a residential fire.

The second Lia’s address came over the radio my heart leaped out of my chest as I rushed to get my gear on and get in the truck. It felt like it took forever to get there with more traffic on the streets than usual. Rodriguez leaned on the horn, forcing people out of our way, but every second that passed was one second too long before I could get to Bella.

I tried calling her repeatedly, but it kept going to voicemail, which made the knot in my stomach tighten even more when I thought about her being hurt—or worse.

By the time we pulled up outside the duplex, I had already climbed out and ran toward the house. I didn’t need instructions on what to do—and honestly—I wasn’t going to listen to any protocol right now. The woman I loved was in there, and nothing would stop me from getting to her.

I heard heavy footsteps beside me and didn’t have to look to know that Nate and Capshaw were by my side. There was noise around me as the guys yelled commands, but everything went dead silent once the front door was forced open and flames rolled out.

I lifted my arm to block the heat, giving myself an eighth of a second to panic before rushing in and not looking back. Bella’s life depended on me getting in there and getting to her before the fire did. I didn’t have time to stop and think things through. The clock was ticking as her life hung on the line.

The thick smoke made it hard to see as I ducked low, feeling my way along the walls. Thankfully, I knew the house pretty well, which helped me navigate it quickly. I called out for her, knowing she probably couldn’t hear me because she likely wasn’t conscious unless she’d been able to get into another room and close the door before the fire spread.

I felt along the hallway walls, frustrated when all the doors were open. Finally, I reached where her room should be and felt for the doorknob. My heart raced when I realized it was closed, praying she was inside, waiting for me to come rescue her.

“Bella,” I called out, trying to make myself loud enough for her to hear. “Bella, I’m here. Stay where you are. Don’t open any doors or windows.”

I waited for her to answer me, but before she could, I felt something heavy fall and hit my head as the roof began to collapse above me.



The drive to Jones’s house was quick, just like I expected. I got out of the car and walked up to the front door, the skin on my neck prickling the closer I got to the door. I tried to ignore it and reminded myself that everything was fine; I was just on edge from the past few days.

I took a deep breath, trying to hold the key steady in between my fingers as I reached for the knob. But before I could unlock it, the door slowly opened as it felt like the blood drained from my body.