Page 38 of Four-ever Single

Heat rushed through me as I thought about Bella wearing something sexy like the lingerie she tried to pass off as pajamas last night. My dick stirred, getting the message loud and clear as I pictured her lying on a bed, hair spread out around her as she puckered her lips that looked so good wrapped around my cock. A come hither look in her eyes as she chewed her lower lip and teased me.

“Hey, Jones?”

“Yeah?” My eyes shot up to hers, embarrassment washing over me from getting caught.

Her grin spread wide across her face.

“What did you say your favorite color was?”


“Perfect. Thank you, and thanks again for breakfast.”

She got up, cleared her plate, and then left the kitchen while I sat there, picturing all the ways she was going to drive me out of my mind.



“I’m almost ready,” I called out to Kensy as I struggled to get the corset up over my boobs. “The girls don’t want to behave today.”

“Need some help?” she offered.

“I think I got it. But remind me that I’m wearing crotchless panties so I don’t just flash my vag at you. No one needs that kind of unexpected greeting.”

“Noted.” She laughed, making my nerves dissipate some.

I tugged at the top, getting everything aligned, then stepped into the bedroom where we were doing the photos.

“Okay, I’m ready,” I said shakily.

Kensy was sitting at her desk and turned around, her eyes widening as she took me in.

“Is it too much?” I asked nervously, ready to rush out and change into something else. This campaign was meant to be more risqué than the others, but I had been assured that I didn’t need to do anything outside my comfort level. I was pleased they still allowed me to work with Kensy and didn’t demand I go to a studio of their choice. But I guess there was a different set of rules when it came to working as a model for a sex toy company. And I had quickly learned that the owner of Dark Vibes, Elliott Weston, didn’t give a fuck about rules unless he was making them.

“No. Not too much at all.” She grinned and nodded her head. “These are going to be so hot, Bella. I can’t wait to see them. Did you decide which toy you want to use to cover your lady bits for those shots?” she asked as she picked up the camera and pointed it at me to check the settings.

“I was thinking about using the one with the piercing. It seems more fitting, especially since they’re promoting it with this outfit,” I replied, looking down at the tight red leather and lace combo that wrapped tightly around my skin.

“Sounds good. We can definitely make that one work. It’s big, so we don’t have to get too creative with angles. I can do enough to make sure it’s clear that you’re wearing crotchless panties without showing anything else.”

“Perfect.” I climbed onto the bed, making sure my red leather stiletto heels didn’t snag the bedding. “Maybe I’ll make use of the toy tonight so I can get rid of some of this stupid built-up tension,” I grumbled.

“Why not just have Jones help?”

“I made the stupid decision to hold off on sex until our wedding night so we could consummate the marriage,” I explained, getting in the position I always started with.

I sat with my spine straight, boobs pushed forward, stomach sucked in, and legs bent perfectly beside me as Kensy moved around, trying to find the right angle she wanted to start with.

“Haven’t you guys already had sex?” She stopped and looked at me, confused.

“We have. Lots of it. Really great mind-blowing-best-of-my-life-I-would-sell-an-organ-to-do-it-again sex.”

“And you decided now was the time to put the brakes on that?” She raised her eyebrows and held her camera at her side.

“Yes, because I’m stupid and don’t know what I was thinking. I guess it just felt like something fun we could do to make it feel like a real wedding.” I shrugged. “Or maybe I just wanted to be in control of something since it feels like everything else is out of my control right now.”

“I get that. I can see how it feels like everything is being forced upon you, especially with having to get married before your birthday. But Bella, you still have so much control in all of it. You get to pick who you marry. What day you get married. What dress to wear. Where to have it. There’s a lot you’re getting to decide here, but I understand how you must be feeling with all of it happening at once.”