Page 36 of Four-ever Single

“A lacy thong and matching bra?”


“That’s funny. I don’t remember you wearing anything like that during the nights we’ve spent together.”

“Oh... um. Yeah. I just, you know, really like this one,” I lied, hearing the change in my voice again. “Does it bother you? I don’t want to make things hard on you, so I can change if you need me to.”

“Nope. Not at all. I’m fine.” He grabbed the towel and pulled it from his waist, revealing his glorious cock again. “Just as long as you’re okay knowing I sleep naked.”

He tossed it to the floor and climbed into bed beside me.

I slid down under the covers and set my phone on the charger as I wondered how I was going to make it six nights sleeping next to this beast without touching it.

“Good night, sleep tight,” he said, rolling over to face me.

“Not as tight as my vagina,” I muttered, rolling away from him so I didn’t risk giving in and jumping his bones.

The next morning, I woke up to a familiar stiffness pressing into my butt. I smiled and shifted against it, wondering if Jones had realized his arm was wrapped over my body or that his cock was lined up perfectly at my entrance.

I pretended to be asleep as I moved as slowly as possible, lining it up even further.

Firm hands gripped my hips, stopping me.

“Don’t even think about it,” he murmured, sleep still heavy in his voice.

“How do you always know?” I groaned, throwing my arm over my head.

“I know more about you than you think. And while I would love nothing more than to plow my cock inside your wet pussy, we both know that’s not going to happen.”

“Well, it’s not my fault you decided to invade my space and cuddle me in your sleep,” I countered. “I was doing just fine without your erection against my ass this morning.”

“Actually, you weren’t,” he said, rolling onto his back and turning his head to look at me. “I was holding you because you were crying in your sleep, and I didn’t want you to feel alone. I’ve been holding you for about forty-five minutes.”

“What?” I asked in disbelief, rolling over to see his face better.

He nodded and rolled onto his side.

“You were talking, but I couldn’t make out the words. Then you started crying, and I couldn’t stand the thought of you crying in your sleep, so I held you. After a little while, you stopped crying and seemed like you were having peaceful dreams, but then you started crying again.”

I rubbed my hands down my face, embarrassed this had happened.

“But—your dick was hard,” I blurted out a few minutes later. “If you were just holding me while I cried in my sleep, why did you get an erection?”

He chuckled and shook his head.

“Bella, you’re wearing a see-through lace thong with your ass on full display, and it’s morning—how could I not have an erection?”

I covered my mouth and giggled, but everything stopped being funny when he threw the blankets back, climbed out of bed, and walked naked into the bathroom. Living with a naked Jones was going to be hell for six days.



I thought about cooking naked so Bella had something fun to walk out to once she finished showering and getting ready. But I wasn’t sure who that would hurt more—her or me.

It wasn’t that I didn’t respect Bella wanting to wait to have sex until we were officially married, but I was pretty sure you couldn’t un-consummate what we had already done. Being in bed next to Bella wearing the lingerie set she had on last night was pure torture. It took everything I had not to rip it off of her and make love to her in our bed.

It still felt weird to say our bed, but I couldn’t complain about sharing it with someone like her. I wanted to believe that this was how our relationship would have normally progressed if we hadn’t been forced into getting married this weekend. Now, there was no way to know for sure, but I was determined to do whatever I could to make things work with Bella. Both for the fake marriage and because I was actually starting to fall for her.