Page 6 of Four-ever Single

“You’re not imposing, silly. I asked you to come in and have a cup of coffee. Trust me, I’m not ready for bed yet, and it would be nice to have some company.”

She handed me my cup and then curled up in the corner of the couch, smiling as she waited for me to sit next to her. I steadied my hands to keep from spilling the hot liquid all over myself as I sat an appropriate distance next to her. If I sat too close, it would likely come off as me wanting to get handsy with her, whereas if I sat too far away, it would appear that I was uninterested in her.

She took a sip of her coffee, then set it on a coaster before picking up the remote and turning the TV on. I followed her lead, having a sip without burning my tongue, then placed it on the coffee table.

I watched as she flipped through the channels, neither of us paying any attention to what was on the TV.

“Did you feel the spark?” she asked casually, not looking at me as her gaze stayed locked on the TV.

I furrowed my brow in confusion.

“Earlier, when we touched. Was it just me, or did you feel it too?” she clarified.

“Oh,” I said, dumbfounded, clearing my throat. “That.”

I turned and studied her face, wondering why she brought it up. She set the remote down and lifted her mug to her lips, watching me intently as she waited for my answer.

“Yeah, I felt it,” I admitted, rubbing my lips together.

“Have you felt that with anyone before?”

I shook my head, enjoying the flush of color tinting her olive-toned cheeks.

“Me neither,” she admitted. “And I’ve dated a lot of guys. Well—not a lot, but enough that I have plenty of experience with dating, yet I’ve never had that happen before.”

I licked my lips, my whole mouth suddenly going dry.

“So,” she said slowly, exhaling a long, deep breath. “What should we do about it?”

I swallowed hard, hoping she didn’t notice the way my Adam’s apple protruded from it.

“What do you want to do about it?” I asked quietly.

She chewed her lower lip as she set her mug back on the coffee table.

“Well... I don’t know about you, but I thought it might be fun to explore it and see what it is.”

My eyebrows shot up my forehead in disbelief. Was she really insinuating that she and I should hook up? A beautiful girl like her was interested in fooling around with me?

“Ummm...” I hesitated.

“Shit,” she muttered quickly, looking away. “I’m sorry. I must have read this wrong. I thought you felt what I felt, and maybe you would be interested in—you know what? Never mind. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned it. Let’s just forget I said anything.”

She looked away as she reached for the remote again. Before I could think about it, I reached over and took it from her, tossing it to the rug. Her eyes widened as I grabbed her arm and tugged her over to me, grinning when she willingly climbed onto my lap. Her skirt rode up, but I ignored it as I wrapped my hand in the back of her hair, loving the way the soft curls felt against my skin.

Dark espresso eyes looked at me under thick lashes before they closed and her lips fluttered over mine. I pulled her closer, my tongue playfully caressing hers as she deepened the kiss and lowered herself further over my now-hard erection.

She wrapped her arms around my neck as we made out, my hands fighting the temptation to reach down and grab her ass. A soft moan escaped her lips as she pulled away for a second before crashing down over mine again.

Her fingers were cold as they brushed against my skin while she lifted my sweater and pushed it over my head. I wasn’t sure how far this was going tonight, but I wasn’t complaining. I had a beautiful woman who was taking the lead, and I loved it.

“You’re so much hotter in person than you are in the calendar,” she said, nipping my ear as she planted open-mouthed kisses along my collarbone. “I want to see more.”

She reached down and worked the button and fly on my jeans before eagerly reaching in and stroking me through my boxers.

“Thank you,” I moaned, letting my head fall back as I closed my eyes and focused on how she made me feel. “You’re really hot, too.”

“I want more,” she panted, slipping her hand into the opening and rubbing my cock. “Do you want to go to my room?”