Page 30 of Four-ever Single

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts. This will work better if you stop fighting it and allow yourself to accept that you’re getting married to Jones. I don’t know if you’re already falling in love with him or not, but I know you wear that stupid smile every time you talk about him and that you’re having the best sex of your life, so I would say if you’re not in love yet, it’s just around the corner. Now, I’m going to go take a shower and try to wash off my day.”

She got up and grabbed her stuff from the island before heading to her bedroom and shutting the door behind her.

While she was right about most things, I couldn’t bring myself to admit that I had feelings for Jones already. It was way too soon to be tossing around the l-word, even if he was my soon-to-be husband.



“So, how do you feel about everything?” Capshaw asked quietly as we stocked the firetruck.

“Honestly, I don’t know.” I sighed heavily and looked around to make sure no one was close enough to hear our conversation.

It wasn’t like the whole town hadn’t heard about our engagement. Two days had passed since it happened, and that news had spread quicker than any fires I’d ever started. Hell, my locker had been decorated with balls and chains when I came in this morning. Everyone wanted to know the details of when it happened and how it happened, but I wasn’t ready to talk. Not until Bella and I had a solid plan of what we would tell everyone. Our love story could put her inheritance at risk if we didn’t get the details right and make them believable.

“Kensy was talking about having everyone over for dinner on Sunday. Are you guys up for it? I think she and Bella are getting together tonight.”

“Yeah, that’s what she told me earlier. I guess they were originally going to Tipsy Taquito, but since it’s Friday, they decided to stay in and order takeout instead. The only one who likes the Friday night crowd is Lia, and she’s working.”

“It’s funny how things change once you find that special someone,” he replied with a smirk.

“What are you talking about?”

“Nothing.” He shrugged and closed the door after we hopped down from the truck. “Just that Bella used to like getting dressed up and going out before.”

“Before what?”

“You.” He winked and headed inside while I stood there like a dummy, wondering if he was right.

I pulled out my phone, found Bella’s name, and started a text message.

Me: Hey, how’s it going?

A few seconds later, the dots started bouncing on the screen. It was just after nine in the morning, so I was hoping to catch her before she got busy.

Bella: Good, just finished working out. Getting ready to jump in the shower.

I closed my eyes and groaned. It had been days since we’d had sex, and the thought of her wet and naked in the shower sent a jolt straight to my cock.

Me: Ugh, why did you have to tell me that?

Bella: Why what’s wrong?

Me: Thinking about you naked in the shower is giving me blue balls

Bella: Oh no! If you were here, I’d kiss them and make them better.

Me: If I were there, I would have my face buried in your pussy until you came on my tongue.

Bella: Shit.

Me: What?

Bella: I think I smell smoke.

Me: Really?