We entered Hank's office, where Hank and Joe were going through their box of prototypes. Seeing us, they proudly introduced one of theirs, the "Timeout Timer."

Joe beamed, "This little gem is designed to help manage timeout sessions. You set the duration, and it provides a calming atmosphere for the Little until the timer runs out."

Mike and I eagerly agreed to test it. "I can't wait to try this! Imagine, a timer that tells me when my timeout is over. It's like having a personal referee," I said excitedly.

"Yeah, and I get to see if it's hack-proof," Mike added with a mischievous grin.

In no time, we were caught up in resetting the timer and arguing over the duration of our timeouts. "Five minutes is too short! Let's make it ten," I argued, reaching for the timer.

"Ten? No way, five is plenty. We need to test different durations!" Mike countered, resetting it back to five.

This led to a power struggle between us. I tried to set the timer longer while Mike kept shortening it, each of us vying for control. Meanwhile, Hank and Joe watched in amusement as we playfully wrestled over the timer.

Hank, sensing the growing tension, suggested we move on to the next prototype. "Let's try something else before this turns into an actual timeout session," he said with a chuckle.

Next up was the "Smart Daddy Assistant," a sleek, tablet-like device with a friendly interface. It was designed to aid Daddies in managing their Littles' schedules, activities, and discipline.

When the assistant asked Mike to list his recent mischievous activities, he grinned and obliged. "Well, let's see. I just have so many good ones, you know. I replaced all the sugarin the office with salt. That was fun," he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, and I hid all of Daddy's left shoes. Took him a week to find them."

I shook my head, amused and slightly incredulous at the trouble Mike got himself into. The assistant, however, didn't share my amusement. It began suggesting overly harsh discipline measures, such as "No ice cream for a year" and "No TV for a lifetime."

"And considering the severity of these deliberate acts," the assistant continued in a stern voice, "no video games for six months, and bedtime at 6 PM for three weeks."

Mike and I exchanged horrified glances. The severity of these suggestions was startling.

Joe, with a hint of humor in his voice, asked Mike, "Realizing now how lenient I've been with you, huh? According to this, I should be implementing all these punishments every time you misbehave."

Mike's eyes widened in terror. "Lenient? Daddy, this machine is a tyrant! It needs to be destroyed before it starts a Little rebellion or something. I mean, no ice cream for a year? That's just evil!"

He then dramatically added, "This is how it starts, you know. First, it's harsh discipline, then it's craving world domination. I would know. I've been down that path. But I saw the light, and now I'm one of the best-behaved boys you'll ever meet, instead of a mastermind plotting to take over the world."

Joe rolled his eyes, clearly amused. "Overly dramatic as always, Mikey."

I leaned in and whispered to Mike, "I think you're right, though. We should send an email to Liltech about these safetyconcerns. If they release this without proper precautions, it could be harmful to the Little community."

It was clear that while technology could aid in many ways, nothing could replace the warmth, understanding, and personal touch that comes from a real Daddy interaction.

I then suggested we try tweaking it to something more moderate.

Mike agreed. "Sure, let's set it to 'Littles Rule the World' mode. That should work."

He adjusted the device to a more lenient setting, which resulted in absurdly soft discipline suggestions. "For not doing your chores, you get an extra hour of TV," it suggested. "And if you're caught making a mess, here's a bonus candy for your efforts."

Mike laughed, thoroughly amused. "Now, this is my kind of assistant! #RobotOverlords #MakeLittlesGreatAgain," he joked, announcing the playful hashtags.

Joe sighed, clearly not as enthused. "I'll set it to medium before we start testing. We need something a little more balanced."

Next, Team Daddy introduced the "Little Locator" bracelet. It was a sleek device designed to help Daddies find their Littles if they wandered off. Joe and Hank put the bracelets on our wrists, explaining that we were to hide somewhere in the office while they tried to locate us using the app on their phone.

Mike chose the break room's closet as our hiding spot. "It's the perfect place. Close to snacks, and who would think to look for me in a place where I could actually clean something?"

We sneaked inside, suppressing our giggles as we waited. The close quarters in the closet were filled with whispered jokes and stifled laughter.

"Bet they'll never find us here," Mike whispered after waiting for several minutes, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I hope they don't take too long. I'm starting to get hungry," I whispered back, eyeing the snacks just within reach.

Just as we were about to reach for some chips, we heard footsteps approaching. We shushed each other, trying to stay as quiet as possible, but our giggles betrayed us.