I want her to be the first person I see when I wake up in the morning.
I want her to be the last person I see when I go to bed in the evening.
I want to share my life with her, every fucking part.
I want to bring her breakfast in bed and fuck her, marking her every fucking chance I get.
I want to be there for her when she has doubts and be her strong foundation when she feels unstable.
I want to be her everything, just like she is mine.
I open her front door and walk inside. I closed the door behind me and looked around. There were books and papers everywhere.
Since signing the papers, she has been working nonstop on her first novel. I think she now knows how it is going to end.
Her job has been going well and seems to help her escape, and when that doesn’t work, I have been right here, bringing fantasties she didn’t even know she had to life.
“Marco!” I yell out
“Pollo,” she replies from her room.
I don’t know when the whole Marco Pollo thing started, but I am down. I am down with anything that has to do with her.
I make my way down the hallway and stop in her bedroom doorway. I lean against the door frame and cross my arms over my chest.
I watch closely as Bianca looks herself over in the mirror. I am taking her out tonight. We have been busy with work and other things. We need time for us, and I will make fucking sure we getit, even if I have to kidnap her, which I found out recently is one of her fantasies that will be fun to bring to life for her.
She still gives me a shameful look whenever we talk about some of her desires. I hate that anyone has put in her head that wanting sex is wrong. It isn’t, and for the ones that take the time to judge, fuck them. It isn’t their life. We love sex together, and I will never make her feel unwanted or stupid for wanting a sexual act from me.
That will never fucking happen.
“What are you staring at?” She asks, looking at me in the mirror.
“You, I am always looking at you, baby,” I reply, not needing to think of my answer.
She slowly turns around. She is wearing tight-fit skinny jeans, hugging her mouth-watering figure. Her hair flowed down with curls, and her glasses again made her eyes stand out. She is wearing a black tank top, showing off all her ink. Saying I am excited to get a tattoo with her is an understatement.
“Fuck me,” I whisper.
She smiles and quickly crosses the room, stopping in front of me. I lower my arms from my chest, allowing her to rest her hands against my chest, something I have never let someone do before, but for her, I will never tell her no.
I rest my hands on top of hers as I lean down, my lips almost touching her. “Move in with me.”
“What?” She gasps.
A smile forms across my lips as I gently nip at her bottom lip. “Move in with me, Bianca? I can’t stand being away from you. I want you in all parts of my life.” I pull back, my eyes locking with hers.
“Okay,” she says quietly but with confidence.
I lean in the rest of the way, gently kissing her forehead. I hold back my tears and take a deep breath of her scent. She has no idea what it means to me for her to agree to move in with me.
After everything she has been through, it is an honor that she fucking trusts me the way she does.
I lower my hands from hers and pull back.
“Where are we going?” She asks as I take her hand in mine and force us out of her room and down the hallway.
“Ever wanted to fuck a stranger in a restaurant?” I ask with desire and amusement. Anytime I can end the day or date or whatever it is with it ending with me fucking her, I will. Believe that shit.