“You are mine, Bianca, all fucking mine. I am real. I am right fucking here with you, and I am not going anywhere, you hear me?” He demands and promises, making my heart stop for a moment.
“Yes,” I reply.
He leans down, grabbing my throat, forcing me to look at him.
“I am in love with you,” he says with tears in his eyes.
He slowly rolls his hips, so fucking slow, as his eyes burn into me, lighting me up in a way I only thought was true in the books I read. He leans down and connects his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around him, and as he continues his slow pace, I dig my nails into his back. As my orgasm builds, I scratch down his back, making him moan against my lips. He’s taking his time, and as my stomach tightens and my pussy pulses against his cock, I realize something.
This is not fucking, this is making love.
“Dynasty”by MIIA
Iwatch Bianca walk into her house. Josh texted about an hour ago, saying he had everything under control. I think he enjoys feeling in control at the bar, which is why he is my assistant manager. He always has everything in order, so I don’t have to worry.
I wanted to keep Bianca longer, but she has to get stuff ready for work tomorrow. I like that she works from home. It allows her to stay in her bubble. Plus, she is only down the road from me, which I must admit I love.
She has been looking at me differently since last night. She was quiet when we packed up the camping site, but her affectionate gestures tell me that my confessions to her last night have brought down some more of her walls. She confessed a lot to me last night. I know it wasn’t easy for her to do. I saw the pain in her eyes and heard it in her voice as she spoke, but her sharingwhat she did last night meant more to me than I can explain in words.
I take a deep breath as my phone buzzes. I grab it and look down. My heart no longer races but sinks as I see Brittany’s name across the screen. How the fuck can she know I was in a perfectly good fucking mood?
I click ignore and toss my phone over to the passenger seat. I look back over at Bianca’s front door. She has gone inside. I feel like we have made good progress, and I hope she knows I will not let go. She is mine. Mine today, tomorrow, and for fucking ever.
I put the truck in drive and head towards my house. I don’t go there much, but I need to check on things before returning to the bar. Even though I know Josh has everything under control, I own the bar, and I should fucking be there.
Fuck, I am not in the mood to deal with fucking Brittany, but I know she will not stop calling until I talk to her. She has a way of making sure that everyone fucking does what she wants when she wants it.
I pull up to my house and turn off my truck. When I get out, I find Brittany sitting on the steps waiting for me. I slowly approach her, and she stands up, stepping toward me, but I shake my head. The last thing I fucking want is for her to be anywhere near me.
I am fucking livid that she is here at my house, but she won’t fucking go away until she talks to me.
“What the fuck do you want?” I ask, looking her over. She looks like shit, like she has been up for days partying and doing whatever it is she does nowadays.
“You,” she whispers.
I shake my head and step back. “No, I am not fucking playing this game with you anymore,” I tell her, feeling my heart race.
For too fucking long, she had her claws in me so fucking deep, I couldn’t see anything fucking clearly, but I think that is the way she liked me. She wanted me fucking pussy wiped, willing to always be here for her, but not anymore.
“I love you, Alex,” she says, looking me in the eyes, but I can see it. I can see her. She will say anything to make sure she has control over me. She will fucking say anything to keep her claws in me.
Fuck this, and fuck her.
My stomach twists with her words. She doesn’t know what love is. The only person she truly loves is her fucking self.
“There is a difference between loving someone and being in love with them, Brittany, and I am not in love with you,” I confess confidently.
Her eyes widen with my words, and her breathing increases. I can see the rage in her eyes increasing. She has plenty of cocks to choose from. She doesn’t need mine, and she will never have me again. Me fucking her is never going to happen, not now that I have Bianca.
Brittany has no idea what she has done to me, and she doesn’t fucking care. She will never care how she affects me. She will only care about getting off.
“She won’t stay,” Brittany says in a low voice.
A low fucking chilling voice.