“You did not just call dibs,” Josh chuckles.
“I did. Mine, no touchy,” he says as he passes me, stopping for a moment to kiss me on the side of the head.
I laugh and shake my head.
“You two have fun. I got everything here,” Josh says, trying to reassure Alexander.
“Thank you,” I tell him.
“You are welcome, B,” he says with a smile.
I throw the smoke on the ground and turn, returning to the truck. I get inside as Alexander climbs into the driver’s seat and starts the truck. He pulled out and headed out of town like we did when he took me to the cliffs.
Alexander rests his hands on my leg, squeezing it gently. “You okay?” he asks softly.
I nod. “Yep, I’m good.”
He stays quiet as we drive away into the fading day. It will probably be dark when we get to wherever we are going. Alexander likes to take me to places he calls his secrets. I think it is his way of showing me with his actions that what we have is real, even if sometimes it seems like a fairy tale that I am going to wake up from.
He is real.
I just need to keep reminding myself that we are real together.
“Love Me Wrong”by Isak Danielson
Bianca has been quiet since we got to the campsite. I have been watching her slowly help me set up camp. She seems to be lost in her thoughts, far away from me. I know I would follow her anywhere, but I don’t think she does.
I take a deep breath as I zip up the door to the tent. Bianca is setting up the chairs around the fire. She sits down and leans forward, rubbing her hands together to get warm. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and she is in one of her signature sweatshirt and jogger outfits. She doesn’t even need to try to be sexy. It is just who she is. The pain in her eyes, the desire, the drive, all of her is sexy and fucking intoxicating.
I slowly remove my jacket and walk up behind her, placing it around her. I run my hands up and down her arms, and she rests her hand on top of mine for a moment. I lean down, kiss the top of her head, and sit in the chair beside her.
She turns and watches me as I lean forward and stare into the fire.
“What did he tell you?” I ask, needing to break the silence between us.
“Not to hurt you,” she says calmly.
I shake my head. Josh has always been as protective of me as I am of him. He has seen what my exes have done in the past, and he wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t warn her. He is my guard dog, which I never knew I had until now.
“Really?” I ask with amusement.
“Basically, yeah. He loves you, you know that, right?” She says with confidence and amusement.
“I do,” I say, sitting back in the chair. She does the same, wrapping my jacket tightly around herself.
I pat my leg and watch her eyes assess my motion. Her eyes meet mine for a moment, but they are conflicted. I don’t know if it is because she isn’t used to the affection or because she is trying to figure out if she should give in to me. Either way, I need her right now.
She slowly gets up from her chair and sits on my lap. I wrap my arm around her stomach and pull her back into me. I rest my chin on her shoulder as we stare into the flames dancing in the firepit.
I can feel her heart beating fast. “Are you nervous?” I ask softly.
“Yes,” she admits in a quiet voice.
“Why?” I ask, just needing more from her.