We begin to head out of town, and she continues to look out the window, singing along to the music. She turns the volume up on one of the songs and really gets into it, making me smile. She is letting herself go a little, which is nice to see. She can sing her heart out in my truck anytime.
Her being here brings me peace and makes me feel stable and not unhinged like I usually am. I just hope I can become the same for her.
I turn the headlights on as we head down a dirt road. Bianca has been quiet, listening to the different songs on the radio. I park at the end of the dirt road and see the rocks in the distance.
“Where are we?” She asks curiously.
“My other secret place,” I say softly.
She nods and opens the door. I watch her get out, put on her jacket, and walk to the front of my truck. I take a deep breath as I turn off the truck and get out, closing the door behind me.
I stop at her side, wrap my arm around her, and pull her against me. She looks up at me, and I gently press a kiss to her lips. She leans into my touch and then gives me a cute groan as I pull back. I grab her hand and lead her toward the cliff.
It starts to sprinkle as we get to the edge of the cliff.
“Wow, this place is magical,” she exclaims, looking over the cliff to the ocean below.
I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her against my chest. She rests her hands on my arm as we look out over the beautiful scenery in front of us.
“I found this place one summer when I was hiking here,” I explain.
“It is gorgeous, Alexander,” she whispers.
“Yes, it is,” I say as I look down at her.
I rest my chin on her shoulder as she starts humming one of the songs she sang on the way here. I release my grip on her, back away, and quickly turn around.
“What are you doing?” She asks, turning around.
I walk back to the truck, open the driver’s door, and turn on the radio, searching through the different stations until I find one I think she will like. Returning to the front of the truck, I turn to face her and reach my hands out to her. She smiles and slowly walks back to me.
The rain has started to come down, but she doesn’t seem bothered. She steps into me and rests her hand on my chest, and I grab her hips, pulling her against me.
She chuckles. “I think it is only fair I get to dance with you after that other guy got to,” I confess.
I really wanted to break his fingers, but I didn’t. I held back for her. I don’t think I will be able to hold back anymore, not with her.
“Oh fuck, seriously! You can’t really call that dancing,” she says with amusement.
“He touched you, you swayed. I call that dancing,” I reply.
“Jealous, Sir?” She asks in a low voice. The voice that makes my heart stop and my cock harden.
“Fuck yes, I am,” I admit without any shame at all.
I wrap my arms around her as she rests her cheek against my chest, and we begin to sway to the music. “Ever wanted to dance with a stranger in the rain?” I ask.
“It is on the top ten on my list,” she admits.
“Wait, you have a list?” I ask curiously.
She pulls back and looks at me. “Yes,” she nods.
“I thought you were kidding. What else is on the list?” I ask.
She laughs. “Well, let’s just say we have checked off almost all of them,” she says.
“Almost? The fuck? What is on the damn list?” I ask, watching her face light up.