You know those people who can bring out the worst in you? Well, that is this chick for me. Not even a minute of listening to her, and she has me seeing fucking red.
“I told you I was sorry,” she says, pouting at me.
Sorry doesn’t mean shit if you keep doing the same shit over and over again. And it is not like she did it fucking once. She has fucked more of my friends than I can count on one hand. She wasn’t fucking sorry, she was just sorry she got fucking caught.
“Sorry doesn’t change the fact you fucked other men while we were together,” I say through gritted teeth.
“We will always come back to one another. It is just what we do,” she says confidently, which makes me fucking sick to my stomach.
I shake my head. “Not any fucking more.”
“Why? Because of that girl, I saw you finger fuck in the theater,” she snaps.
A smile spreads across my face as I look her over. She is fucking jealous. Jealous that I am not just sitting around waiting for her to come back to me. That is what this is about. She wants me now because I don’t fucking want her.
“Is that jealousy I hear?” I ask with amusement.
“Yes, is that what you are trying to do? Because if you are, it is working.”
“You might not understand this, but not everything is about you,” I say dryly.
This has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Bianca. The woman came crashing into my life, and since laying eyes on her, I have been fucking obsessed, and it has been pedal to the medal. No stopping and no slowing down. We are the definition of fucking taboo, which I am okay with it. I wouldn’t have it any other way, actually.
“Alex, please,” she begs.
“Don’t fucking please me. I warned you, and you did it anyway. Go find another cock to bounce on because there is no me and you anymore,” I say, feeling my control starting to slip.
“Once she finds out who you truly are, she won’t want you, Alex. You are going to end up just like your father, alone and a drunk,” she says with venom in her tone.
I don’t respond as she turns around and storms through the bar and out the front door.
She doesn’t fucking know me at all. I don’t want her, I want Bianca, and I will do whatever the fuck I have to do to make sure she stays mine.
I stand outside, leaning against the back wall, and light a smoke. I can hear the music blasting from the bar. Josh is having way too much fun. Brittany is inside with some dude, making damn sure to dance and do everything she can to get my attention, but I am not in the mood to deal with her shit.
I lean my head back against the wall and close my eyes. The memories I have tried to fucking forget come crashing back into me, taking me to a dark fucking place.
She knows that it drives me crazy when she doesn’t answer me. She never does what she says she will do, and for the life of me, I don’t know why I keep falling for her fucking lies, but here I am once again driving over to her house because I need to make sure that she is okay.
She says she is home, but she won’t answer me. All she has to do is say she is home safe. She knows I worry when she drinksand drives, but she chooses to do it anyway. I swear she fucking does this shit just to make me go fucking crazy.
I pull up to her house and turn off my truck. Her car is in the driveway, but Frankie’s truck is in the driveway as well.
I walk up the steps and try the doorknob; it’s unlocked. I walk in and close the door behind me.
“Brittany,” I call out.
No answer.
I walk through the living room and down the hallway toward her bedroom.
“Babe,” I say softly.
I hear a moan come from the room. My heart sinks as I push open the door and see Brittany riding Frankie’s dick.
They both still, and Brittany turns. “Alex,” she whispers.
I look at the man underneath her. His hands are gripping her hips tightly, and his eyes are bulging out of their sockets.