Page 9 of At My Worst

“Here’s My Heart”by SayWeCanFly

Iwalk behind the last few people who are exiting the bar. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed she didn’t show up tonight, but she probably had a bad hangover from last night. She was looking pretty rough when we parted ways. I watched her for a bit while she unpacked the stuff from her car.

She had no furniture, no TV, nothing but clothes and a few boxes. I have no idea what was in them, and when I asked if she wanted me to stay and help, she said no.

She is a sassy little shit. I can’t fucking figure her out. She is different in the daylight than how she was at my bar, but then again, she was drunk. I don’t know, but she confuses and intrigues me and also drives me up the wall with her little attitude.

She is guarded, but she doesn’t know me, and I don’t know her. I see how she reacts whenever I touch her, and I know her body. I know some of the words that turn her on, and I knowhow she looks when she comes. I might not know the other shit, but right now, the physical things I have seen and done with her are taking me over and driving me bat-shit crazy.

She is seriously like a fucking drug. I have had one-night stands before, but she is different. I don’t know how or why, but she just is.

I lock the front doors and make my way to the side door. I see her walking down the beach, holding a flashlight in one hand and what looks like a book or something in the other.

It’s four in the morning, and everyone, including her, should be asleep.

My heart races as I push open the side door and walk out on the deck. She is making her way to the small dock that is between our houses.

I pull my sleeves up to my elbows as I head down the pathway to the beach. It is dark as fuck out here, but the little lights along the path allow me to see a little bit. I watch her closely as she continues to hold the flashlight and what I am pretty sure is a book now. She walks to the edge of the dock and sits down with her feet hanging over the edge as I step onto the dock.

Her head is down as she starts to sing a song I don’t know, and her head rocks a little as she keeps the flashlight on the book.

I come up behind her and stop, looking down at the book in her hands. She continued singing along to another song, unaware I was there. I lean down and gently tap her shoulder.

“Holy fuck” she hollers as she quickly turns around and she pulls the earbud from her ear. “What are you doing?” she asks, staring at me.

“I was about to ask you the same question,” I reply softly.

“Reading, you?” She asks in a curious voice.

“Following you,” I say without fucking thinking. Way to go, stupid, fuck!

“That’s not stalker behavior at all,” she says as she closes her book and takes out her other earbud.

I chuckle and shake my head as I unzip my boots, remove them with my socks, and take a seat on the edge of the dock next to her. She keeps the flashlight pointing down at the book.

“What are you reading?” I ask, looking from the book to her.

Her hair is in a messy bun again, and she is wearing a different sweatshirt and joggers.

“Den of Vipers,” she says, watching me.

“Never heard of it.”

“It’s a Dark Romance,” she explains.

“A what?” I ask, looking into her eyes.

“Ummm, a romance with dark elements in it.”

“Hmmmm,” I say softly as she continues to look at me.

“You make it a point to go for walks reading a book in the dark,” I ask, wanting to know more about her.

“Not really, but I like the sound of the waves, and the house is great, but-” She stops and takes a deep breath.

“But?” Fuck! She is like fucking crack.

I need to know what the fuck she was going to say. Give me something, baby, give me anything. Fuck.