Page 80 of Safe With You

Jim turns his attention back towards the group. “Naw, we’re good. Have fun!”

I jerk my head to look at him. “You’re not going out?”

“I should probably call it a night, too. Hangovers hit a bit harder when you’re not in your twenties anymore…or thirties.”

I put a hand up to my ear to fake a listen. “Do you hear that? That’s the sound of a few hundred thousand women crying, knowing that they won’t see sexy Jim Charlebois in a suit tonight.”

Jim doesn’t miss my flub. He turns to me, those blue eyes glistening in the moon's reflection. “You think you’re making fun of me, but all I heard was that you think I’m sexy.”

I take the opportunity to stand, brushing the sand off the hem of my bridesmaid dress before reaching down to grab my shoes. “Eh, what can I say? I’ve had a lot to drink tonight.”

He laughs, turning to place a hand on my lower back as he guides me across the sand and back to the hotel. “Coming from you, I still consider that a compliment.”

We walk in silence for a few minutes before reaching the hotel lot. “Did you hear Emma and her scary boyfriend got engaged tonight?”

I halt in my tracks. “Emma? Lainey’s little sister, Emma?”

Jim nods.

My mouth is still gaping. “And the bouncer guy?” I try to do the math in my head but am fairly certain Emma has only lived in the city about six months, having met him a few months after. “How? They’ve only been dating for like, like…liketwomonths! They couldn’t possibly…I have a head of lettuce in my fridge that’s older than their relationship.”

“I think you need to toss that lettuce, Meg.” Jim’s steps stay in stride with mine as we continue to the hotel. “The way I look at it, when you know someone’s the one, you just know. Why continue to waste time figuring out logistics of who takes out the garbage or who does the laundry? That’ll come with time.”

I recoil a bit. “Do you believe that?”

He nods his head as we leave the sand and our feet hit the concrete sidewalk. He hands me my shoes, offering a forearm for balance as I slip them on. “I do. I think some people meet and care about each other and make it work, even if maybe they aren’t quote, unquote soulmates. But then I think some people meet and it’s an instant feeling. Not lust, but they know that this person is different and means something to them, and they figure there’s no sense in waiting when time won’t change how they feel.”

I furrow my brow. He said exactly what I was wondering earlier, but I’m still surprised to hear such sentiment coming from him. “Didn’t realize you were such a romantic.”

He smirks but doesn’t respond to my comment. He watches the group leave and walk down the sidewalk towards the bars. He really is handsome, and charming. Smart. Funny. Driven with his career. And the main reason I had so much fun tonight.It takes a lot to bring me out of my shell these days, and Jim does it so easily.

I link my arm in his, leaning in slightly for warmth as we take the final steps into the hotel. He pauses to hold the door open for me and we’re hit with a breeze of AC and the sound of music echoing from down the hall.

“Is that live music?” I ask, excitement in my voice.

He points to a sign by the door. “Looks like a jazz quartet in the bar tonight.”

I pause, reading the sign and second guessing my decision to go to bed early.

“Is someone rethinking their decision to have a drink with me?”

I grab his arm with both hands, walking backwards and pulling him into the hotel bar with me. “Don’t flatter yourself, I’m staying to listen to the music.” I wink as his steps falter, faking a shot to the heart.

“I’ll admit I’m not a fan of jazz, but I’ll do anything to keep that smile on your face as long as possible.”

We round the corner, and the beauty of the bar astounds me. White marble floors guide patrons directly into the seating area. Semi-private booths line the wall that leads up to the small stage, and directly across from them is the bar that nearly spans the entire wall. Soft jazz comes from a quartet in the corner, and I’m surprised with how few guests are here enjoying the music.

I’ve always been fond of jazz. My parents were older than those of friends my age, and when most kids grew up hearing their parents listening to disco or classic rock, mine listened to Miles Davis and Billie Holiday. The music echoes throughout the long room, floating into my pores to enter my veins, causing a visceral reaction, and my body starts softly swaying to the beat. I lose myself for a few minutes, hovering in the doorway before Ifeel a soft breath to the shell of my ear and a hand on my lower back.

“You really love this, don’t you?”

Jim’s voice is so close, his deep baritone mixed with the mellow music seduces me in a way I can’t describe. Goosebumps pepper my skin as I turn towards him, smiling. “Let’s get that drink.”

Chapter Three

“Ithought I said I was only staying for one more drink?” I ask as Jim flags the bartender over for another round.

“You say a lot of things, but judging by how you haven’t stopped tapping your feet since we walked through the doors, I’d say your heart is far from calling it a night.”