Page 8 of Safe With You

“Are you serious?” She grimaces.

Paul lets out a big laugh, all too happy his mission to rile her up was successful. “What’s that, little Lainey?” He leans back in his chair, clasping his fingers behind his head.

“Oh, nothing, Dr. Hendricks. Just admiring the conversation you two are having. I didn’t realize I worked with such gentlemen.”

“I have to show Ryan the ropes on the day shift. A young guy like him will have plenty of opportunities to make female acquaintances. No sense in getting locked down with one woman when the playing field is ripe. Speaking of that, have you guys met?” He points a finger back and forth between me and Lainey. “I think you could be good friends.”

“Yeah, we’ve … met,” she responds flatly. “And a man, afraid of commitment? That’s new.”

Paul ignores her obvious disdain for him and this whole conversation, and instead continues to poke and prod her.

“No need to be a prude, little Lainey. Dr. Ryan is good-looking and smart enough not to dig himself a hole by marrying young. If he wants to taste the ass on the day shift, he’s free to do so.”

She cocks a brow at his comment. “Wow, Dr. Hendricks, you kiss your wife with that mouth?”

I like her. I like her drunk and giggly. I like her focused expression when she’s rounding with patients. And I like her attitude and quick remarks right about now.

Paul laughs again. “Like I said, Lainey is sparky. You’ll like her. But she doesn’t have fun. Good luck if you go down that road.”

“Ha, ha, ha,” she says, voice flat. “I have fun, but not the type you two probably have. Don’t you have anything better to do than sit around and gossip? Lives to save, perhaps?”

Paul throws his hands up in mock surrender before reaching to grab both of my shoulders. “Don’t get mad at me, sparky. Just helping the new guy get his feet wet.”

For the first time since she came over to us, she looked at me. Green eyes studying, scrutinizing, as if deciding my character and her opinion of me with this five-minute conversation. In a flash, her eyes are off me and she turns back to address Paul. “Well, if his interests resemble yours, you two will have plenty to talk about.”

Paul laughs, not even slightly offended at her comment. Normally I’d join in, but not this time. I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks of me or has to say about me. But this is different. I’m not a saint, but I’m not Paul. It’ll be a cold day in hell when I’d think it’s okay to cheat on your spouse, or even cheat in general. For some reason, the possibility of her locking me into a category with him makes me sick.

Chapter Seven


If I had realized how many more people work the day shift, I probably would have reconsidered the transfer.

I knew there would be more administrative staff, along with therapy, wound care, and interventional radiology present to do procedures I’d normally have to set up at the bedside.

What I didn’t think about was all the extra management around. The unit supervisor is always listening to patient conversations to judge our bedside manner. Quality management sits at the nurses’ station to evaluate the relationships with co-workers. I don’t need anyone’s presence or pressure to do my job the way it should be done, and the extra nagging just slows me down.

Shoving the door to the storage room open with both hands, I’m pleasantly surprised to see my latest temptation, squatting low, and filling her arms with supplies.

Lainey turns at the sound of the door opening, eyes locking with mine only for a second before offering a tight, closed-lip smile and turning back towards the shelving. I know the conversation between Paul and myself the first week I was here painted a harrowing image in her mind of the type of man I am.She’s done her best to avoid being alone with me aside from the few patient interactions we’ve had.

“You look tired,” I say to her, keeping my eyes locked on the shelves in front of me.

She exhales through her nose, shoulders drawn together with tension. “Yup.”

I reach up to grab a few rolls of gauze from the shelf. “Still surprises me that you’re the mystery woman from the bar.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I peek down at her, seeing a hint of a smile on her face as she recalls that night. “God, that was embarrassing.” She chuckles. “Just my luck that the new doctor at work knows what my ass looks like in a thong.”

My gut clenches at her remark. We both know that’s exactly what I saw, and the image willforeverbe burned in my mind, but to hear her say it out loud is a complete and utter turn-on.

“I’m not like him, you know.” The words blurt out faster than I mean them to. It’s been on my mind to find a quiet moment to explain Paul was fucking around with her. Yeah, lots of doctors cheat or sleep around, but that’s not me. I have fun. I meet plenty of women, but not here. I need her to know I’m not the same.

Her head whips up in surprise, eyebrows raised, a half-smile, half-questioning look painted on her face. It takes her a few minutes to recall the previous conversation. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me. What you do in your spare time isyourbusiness.”

“I’m not … I just wanted to clear the air.” I hope she doesn’t ask why because that part I’m still trying to figure out.

“No need. My professional opinion of you can be separate from my personal one.”