She isn’t too far off with that one. I know that we are something. I know we are in some galaxy that is past friends or a casual hookup, but not quite sure Ryan considers us in official relationship territory. When that question is broached, I’m sure he doesn’t want it to be in the middle of a noisy bar, with his sister watching and a handful of his coworkers present, ready to judge him.
“We’re …” I start, ready to give some vanilla excuse about taking things slow, feeling this out, and still getting to know each other. Something to shut her up and move on, but to my ultimate and utter surprise, Ryan slings an arm over my shoulder. He lays his full weight on me as he leans forward, letting the whole table hear him clearly as he says slowly, and with that confidence I’ve admired from the start …
“Fuck yeah, we’re together.” With one hand he reaches up, palm to the side of my jaw as he pulls me in for a kiss, letting the whole table and whoever is watching in the bar see him claim me as his.
I faintly hear a few woohoos, most likely from Jenna or Corey, but all sound becomes grainy background noise because Ryan’s lips are on mine. He pulls back, keeping his forehead to mine as he kisses me once more before murmuring against my lips, “can we go home now?”
I giggle, literally giggle I’m so elated, and nod. “Yes, please. Let me go to the bathroom first.”
Chapter Thirty
Iturn and watch Lainey walk to the bathrooms, not caring that the group around us is staring, whispering among themselves.
“Hey, Ry, are you capable of leaving her alone for five minutes? She’s a grown woman, I think she’ll be able to find the bathroom on her own.”
“Shut up, Cor.” I turn to face Corey a little, using my shoulder to block most of the view from the table. “Hey,” I say, keeping my voice low, “Are you guys going to see Mom at all this trip?”
Corey’s eyes widen, and she nods. I wait for her to tell me when, or where, but she just stares.
“Do you know when?” I prompt slowly.
She blinks once, then twice. “Sorry, I think I’m having a stroke. Are you about to tell me that you might join us for dinner one night?”
I shrug, trying to remain calm as I slowly bring the beer bottle to my lips for a sip. “Maybe.” I look over my shoulder, seeing most of the table engrossed in their conversation before I continue. “Lainey is on call all weekend, but if we did a lunch Sunday or something, I’ll ask if she can join. She might have toleave if she gets a call out, though.” I figure it’s less likely to happen at noon on a Sunday, but you never know.
Corey’s hands come up to cover her mouth, but they aren’t enough to muffle the obnoxious squeal that escapes.
“Jesus, Corey. It’s not a big deal. I still might not want to see her. Just a thought I had.” I pull back to stand tall. The pressure she used to put on me to have a quick dinner with our mom used to always push me away. I didn’t want that awkwardness. The superficial conversation that I have to make with most people I don’t know wears the fuck out of me.
If Lainey was there, it would be different. She’d be able to carry conversation with someone she just met as if she were their best friend. With her hand locked in mine under the table, I think I could suffer through lunch with my mom.
Corey’s hands come down from her face and she folds them in her lap, nodding erratically. “Yes, yes to all of that. Yes, to lunch and everyone is invited.”
I take another sip of my beer, but I’m already antsy. We just arrived, but I’m ready to leave this place with my girl and take her back to my place for the night.
My girl.
Feels weird to think that, but it’s true. Seeing her here with two of the few people in my life I trust, has me feeling a weird, nervous happiness inside. She fits with us. Fits in my life. I never knew it could be this easy to be with someone.
Kelly interrupts my thoughts with a warning. “I love you guys together, but you better treat her right after all she’s been through.”
“And what’s that?”
“You know, with her ex and all.”
I stare back at her, confusion pulling my brows together as dread fills my gut.
“Did she recently get out of a relationship or something?” Corey asks.
“No,” I say to Corey. “She hasn’t had a boyfriend in a few years.”
“Yeah, she’s been single for quite a while, since she moved here at least. Her last relationship was beyond unhealthy. It scarred her for a while after it ended. It was crazy.”
“Kelly, stop,” Jenna urges, shifting her stance. “Let’s wait for Lainey to come back. That’s probably something she wants to tell him herself, and not here.”
I ignore Jenna and keep my attention on Kelly. “What do you mean, scarred?”