Page 5 of Safe With You

In a surprisingly athletic move, she hops up, slides a leg over the bull and she’s on, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder once she settles.

Her eyes scan the crowd, and a hopeful voice inside wonders if she’s looking for me. Or maybe she can sense my pathetic, lingering gaze. Her eyes soon find mine, locking into me as the tallest girl climbs behind her with ease. A brief smile crosses her lips, and I respond with my own before she looks away. The three of them are already overcome with laughter and the ride hasn’t even started yet.

The bull starts nice and slow, rocking the girls back and forth as they rotate their hips in smooth concessions. As the bull picks up speed, the majority of the crowd throws out high-pitched whistles or catcalls. Each move becomes more exaggerated, and with each bounce of the redhead’s tits, I hear Jim let out a pained groan. Turning towards him, I see a look of pure torture on his face.

“Have you ever … she’s …” he trails off, scrubbing a hand roughly over his face. The man is so infatuated with that woman he can’t form coherent sentences.

The hollers from the crowd force my attention back to the bull, and I see that the DJ has already gone full force. Each movement is fast, abrupt, and too jerky to maintain any sort of fluid rhythm, and the girls are twisted side to side in short, sudden bursts.

The blonde in the back is immediately flipped off and my brunette shouts something to her friend in front. They both laugh, red holding onto the neck of the bull while my girl wraps her arms tightly around her waist. I notice her tight dress startto roll up, exposing more of her toned, tanned thigh. My mouth waters, but then my gaze falls on the rest of the crowd.

The DJ must have noticed it as well, the creepy smirk on his face growing as he increases the already frenetic pace, causing her dress to creep up with each sway. With a sudden lurch forward, Jim’s dream girl is thrown over the head of the bull. Leaving just her.

She drops her chest to the bull in a last-ditch effort to hang on, her spare hand in between her legs to hold her dress in place. She’s barely able to hold on through the laughter, but I can see how this will unfold before it happens.

I angrily push through the crowd, desperate to reach her before she falls. Why? I’m not sure. Maybe it’s my calling, my responsibility to make sure she doesn’t get seriously injured. Or maybe I’m overtaken by this barbarian feeling inside me that screams to protect her. Right before I reach her the crowd gasps, and I look up just in time to see her legs slip. As she’s momentarily suspended in the air, the sides of her dress roll up and a scrap of lacey white fabric blurs my vision.

Chapter Four


Fuck my life.

What idiot in their right mind wears a dress to a bull riding competition? As soon as I hit the air, I feel my dress, along with my dignity, peel away as I expose my bare ass to the crowd.

Scrambling to my hands and knees, I desperately try to tug my dress into place, but the DJ jumps down from his mini stage into the pit and starts walking around on the rubber mats. Each step he takes causes the mat to dip, leaving it impossible for me to stand. The catcalls from the crowd heat up, and the embarrassment burns my cheeks.

After what feels like hours spent in that position, the thump of a blanket or something equally heavy lands on my back, and I grasp desperately at the fabric to cover my bare skin. The noise dies out, turning into a series of groans and boos as the crowd dissipates.

I finally regain my balance and reach for the hem of my dress, noticing a tear in the fabric around my thigh. Pulling the blanket around my waist, I realize it’s a sweatshirt and quickly slip itover my head, the hem falling far past my dress and nearly to my knees.

Thank God for helpful strangers.

A warm hand reaches for mine and helps me to stand, and a raspy voice whispers near the shell of my ear, asking if I’m okay.

Murmuring a “yes” to the helpful stranger, I grab one of Jenna’s hands and Meg grips my elbow, pulling me over the lip of the bull pit and plowing through the crowd, not stopping until we reach the back balcony.

We shove through the doors, tears of laughter streaming down our faces as the cool night air hits us. Edison lights hang from pillars that surround the deck, giving the area a glow that rivals the moonlight. I double down, hands resting on my knees as I can barely breathe. “Oh, my God. Please tell me that was some terrible tequila-induced hallucination and that I didn’t just show the whole bar my bare ass.”

“To be fair,” Meg says, standing to wipe the mascara tears dripping down her face, “you have a nice ass. And it wasn’t thewholebar.”

“Oh, that helps.”

“Your little strip show was only for a few seconds anyways before that dude threw his sweatshirt on top of you,” Jenna adds.

“Please tell me it wasn’t the creepy DJ.” If I had to choose between wearing the DJ’s clothes or the entire bar seeing my thong, I think I’d go with the latter.

“Not him, thank God. Some dude that is on the verge of rocking a man bun ripped it off his body and tossed it over you.”

When I can breathe enough to stand, I move towards a lamp to get a better look at the hoodie that swallows me. My heart thunders in my chest as I recall who was wearing this shirt last.

“You guys, I don’t feel so hot.” Meg doubles over, clenching her stomach. I half-heartedly reach an arm out to comfort her, but I’m too stunned to help.

Jenna wraps an arm around Meg’s back as she smooths her hair damp hair away from her now sweaty face. “Maybe a shot of cheap tequila before a bull ride wasn’t our best idea.” Jenna starts to lead her back inside. “Do you want to barf in the bathroom or off the balcony?”

Meg gestures for inside the bar, so I prop the balcony door open with my back, ushering Jenna and Meg ahead of me as a few patrons push past them to come outside. I linger, holding open the door for them to pass, hearing mumbles of something that sounds like “nice ass” under their breath.

I roll my eyes, already reliving the embarrassing moment when another figure stalks towards me, his height blocking some of the dim light in the hall. I can’t quite read the expression on his face, something akin to wonder and concern, mixed with a little bit of fire. Whatever it is, it’s enough to make my pulse flutter, and I drop my gaze to my feet.