“Hey, I’m going to head out back to join a game of ping pong or whatever they got out there. You comin’?”

Trey shook his head, gesturing to the center of the floor.

Williams followed then turned back to him with a knowing smirk, “Go get her.” Williams said patting Trey on the shoulder as he stepped away.

Williams only made it a few steps before a short raven-haired girl stopped him, pulling him to a corner to talk.

Trey knew he should approach Maybelle and not continue to stare like a creep, but she was just so damn mesmerizing— that is until he realized she wasn’t just laughing and dancing with Penny— but with Sam Cameron.

Sam was an awkward kid from the football team Bear had recently befriended and invited over every now and then. He was a freshman this year, would most likely ride the bench this season and usually had no skills in speaking to other women but there he was, laughing, dancing, with his hands on Maybelle’s hips.

Trey felt his rapid heartbeat pulse at the base of his neck, his aching belly beginning to churn as he watched Maybelle face Sam and hook her arms around his neck, swaying her hips with the music.

Hell, he was feeling seriously queasy.

Trey took a step toward them, ready to put an end to whatever the hell was happening but was interrupted when a large hand landed on his back.

“Trey, how are you doing, man?” Asked Austin Lunt, starting point guard for the basketball team.

Taken aback, trying to concentrate on the man in front of him and not the love of his fucking life dancing with Sam Cameron of all people, Trey took a strong swig of his beer and turned fully to Austin.

“Hey bro, I’m good, how are things with you?” Trey shook Austin’s outstretched hand.

“All is well. Never thought I’d see you at one of these though. What finally got you out tonight?”

Austin and Trey had met in a study group last year, hitting it off pretty quickly with their same interest in sports, Call of Duty and pizza. They had gotten together quite a few nights for video games and pizza, making them buds.

Austin had invited Trey to a shi- ton of parties, but Trey had turned him down each time with no real excuse. Austin probably just thought he was some social wreck and left him alone about it after a while.

“My damn roommates dragged me here.” Trey replied over the music. He peered back over to the dance floor; his blood going cold when he didn’t find his Maybelle there.

Trey immediately put a hand on Austin’s shoulder.

“Sorry bro, I gotta go.”

Without any other explanation Trey moved past Austin, scanning the crowd, frantically searching for gold curls. He didn’t find blonde, but he did find red hair, a tall dark-haired man beside her. Trey strode through the mess, shamelessly pushing people aside until he was in front of Penny and Daniel, his knees slightly trembling.

“Where is she?”

29 Why Him?

Sam Cameron.

Maybe it was the way he blushed when Maybelle teased him, the way he tried to make small talk on politics or the way hewas one of the biggest nerds she had ever met that was equipped with lean muscle built of strength and speed, but she had taken a liking to him. Maybelle and Sam had met the first day of classes, he had awkwardly approached her after a lecture, introducing himself and immediately launching into a ramble about the current foreign conflicts of the world.

Maybelle didn’t really understand anything he was saying but she said something sarcastic like, “Wow, you really know your stuff.”

Sam had lit up, not recognizing the mockery in her compliment. Since then, they had two coffee dates.

After the first date Maybelle came home to Penny and their other two roommates, Abigail, and Madelyn, loitering in the living room for her, all awaiting to hear how her first college date had gone.

When she told them her date had been with Sam, Penny, and Madelyn visibly grimaced.

Abigail had never met Sam, so she had no opinions to share but Madelyn and Penny were adamant that Sam Cameron was the most painfully awkward man they had ever encountered.

Maybelle understood, Sam was uncomfortable at times, but she quickly learned that when she shot him a coupleactualcompliments, a flirtatious touch or glance here and there, he became a whole new person.

His ramblings weren’t as long, or random and his darling bashful smile teetered on the verge of confidently handsome.