A surprised laugh erupted from Maybelle’s throat at the sudden shift in mood, “That’s good, I guess.”

Williams brilliant white smile was verging on heartbreakingly gorgeous as he chuckled.

“You know, random thought but what if you and I went to this football banquet thing together?” Maybelle inquired impulsively.

Williams’s eyes tapered in suspicion at her.

“Don’t look at me like that. We would go as friends. I just thought better go together for a fun time instead of sulking over what we don’t have right now.” She said gesturing with her head out to the living room where they could see Penny embracing Daniel and Trey unpacking boxes with Bear.

Williams appeared to be considering the offer but shook his head suddenly, “Nah, I can’t do that to my boy.”

Maybelle snorted, “Your boy is taking a really hot cheerleader to said banquet, trust me he will be fine.”

“You know he doesn’t want to go with her right?” Williams adjusted himself so his back leaned flush against the wall.

Maybelle tracked the movement, “Then why is he going with her?” She raised her brows at him in question.

“Juliette, unfortunately, is our defensive coach’s niece. When coach found out he was so hyped and made a big ordeal about Trey taking her out to the banquet. Then he practically threatened bench time if he were to do anything to upset her. Trey is just taking her out of obligation. I bet coach meant it more as a joke, but Trey is too good of a guy to even flirt with the possibility disrespecting her or coach. Even though he had every right to after the shit she pulled that night after the scrimmage.”

Williams put a hand on Maybelle’s shoulder, “Let me talk to Trey, I think a friend date to the banquet would be great, but I want to make sure he would be cool with it first.”

Maybelle nodded, “Ok, just let me know.”

At that moment, a fully dressed Larson popped his head in past the door, a wide smile splitting his face in two, “Hey, boxes are unloaded and I’m starving. You’re buying me lunch, May. Let’s go.”

And he was gone, down the hall trying to put Bear in a headlock who was entirely unmoved by the effort.

Williams sat up from the wall, putting a large, bare arm around her shoulders, “Let’s go, Mason. Don’t worry, I’ll cover the bill.”

Maybelle snickered, “What a gentleman.”

28 Magnet, Heart, Chaos

It was too damn early for this, but Trey was up and waiting outside Maybelle’s door at the ass crack of dawn to walk with her.

They had been going out every morning the last two weeks in the early hours of the morning with school having started back up, which was kicking Trey’s trash. He was up with Maybelle to walk, after that he ran to strength training with the team, then classes and ended his days off with football practice.

Only two weeks into the semester and he felt he could hardly keep up. As exhausted as he was, he would never give up these early walks with Maybelle, they were the highlight of his day.

Maybelle finally emerged from the apartment, snicking the door shut quietly. Her curls of gold were fluffed haphazardly from a long night of sleep, a white sweater was tied low on herhips, and she was dressed in a very attractive midnight blue sports bra, with matching blue leggings. Maybelle spun from the door, eyes shimmering azure with a bright, cheesy grin taking up her whole face.

Holy hell this girl, even her stupid awkward smiles were contagious and sexy.

“Am I going to be spending the rest of my life waiting on you, Mayhem?” Trey felt his own smirk mirror hers as he watched his Maybelle scrunch her freckled nose up at him. It took every ounce of temperance not to pin her against that door behind her and kiss every damned freckle on her face.

“I couldn’t find my other shoe.” She justified.

Naturally, Trey peered down to see that Maybelle wasn’t saying she had struggled to find her shoe but later found it and is now ready. No, Maybelle couldn’t find her shoe so now she wore two different sneakers on each foot. Trey looked up at her through his lashes, head still downturned to her feet.

“You realize you could have worn the sneakers you had the matching pair for?” He asked, the timbre of his voice wavering on a chuckle.

Maybelle shrugged, “The thought did cross my mind, but not until after both shoes were already on my feet.” She brushed by him, her steps bouncy, “Come on, Turner, we are burning daylight!”

“There isn’t any daylight to burn yet.” He grumbled under his breath, glancing at the stale blue of the waking sky.

Of course, Maybelle Mason was a morning person.

He would have been surprised if she wasn’t.