Trey ran a hand through his shower damp curls, sitting at the foot of her bed, his eyes remaining forward while a muscle in his jaw ticked.

“Are you doing alright there, buddy?” She asked but he didn’t look at her.

Instead, he stood to grab the little, black journal on her desk then returned to his spot on her bed. Trey flipped opened the book to a random page near the end, skimming his gaze over the written words.

“Have you read it all?” He asked as his focus remained on the scrawl. Maybelle sat up, tucking her legs underneath her and reclined her back against the wall with the three picture frames above her.

“No, I left off on an entry from late middle school about a summer camp trip that went awry.”

Trey immediately lit up and in one movement flipped open the journal to the exact page of said entry, “That one is one of my favorites, I would pay money to see little Mayhem get so annoyed with a camp counselor that she graffitied a camp cabin wall with a Sharpie. I can’t believe she punished you by makingyou scrub the wall with a toothbrush! That’s just too damn funny.”

Trey’s curls bounced with his laughter as he pointed to a specific place on the page, “And I quote” He started, “I scrubbed that wall for almost two hours! I don’t understand why Counselor Katy, aka the wicked witch of the west, has such beef with me, but it was my responsibility to warn future campers that had the unfortunate luck to have her for a counselor with my artwork.”

Trey’s grin was wide when he finally turned his attention to Maybelle, “I’m surprised you didn’t get sent home for drawing a giant depiction of the counselor as a witch riding a broomstick across that wall.” Trey turned to another spot in the book.

Maybelle shrugged, “She must have really been a witch of a woman, how else did they know my drawing was about her? I didn’t say anything in there about labeling the art piece. Or I am just that good of an artist.”

Trey snickered without looking back up at her from the pages, “You have a point with her being a witch but do all of our eyes a favor and leave art alone.”

Maybelle scoffed, “Please, I can’t be that bad.”

Trey side eyed her, “We had art class Junior year of high school together, even your stick figures were abominations.”

Trey was already reading another entry in the book, ignoring any of Maybelle's attempts at arguing, so she surrendered and scooted closer to him, reading the passage over his shoulder.

Dear Future Husband,

I’ve made it to high school! I thought I would try out for the volleyball team, don’t get me wrong basketball is my sport, but I thought I would take a hit at volleyball since they had anopening, and I didn’t have anything going on until the winter season when basketball starts so here I am.

Tomorrow is our first game of the season, but it is out of town, seven hours out of town to be precise. And to make matters worse they are making us share a bus with the football players!

I know, regular girls would be flipping out to be hanging out with the football players all day but me, well… All the guys I really like aren’t on the football team.

They are all the nerdy and sweet boys.

The football players are so full of themselves, and they are going to be very stinky on the way home after the games. I am cringing just thinking about it. Well, wish me luck, I have to get to bed, Goodnight!


Maybelle Mason

Trey snorted while Maybelle finished reading the last line of the passage.

“I’m trying not to take offense to how fourteen-year-old Maybelle felt about my kind, but it was pretty ruthless.”

Maybelle rested back, her shoulder brushing Trey’s as she leaned away from her view of the book, “Fourteen-year-old me was a smart girl, football boys are trouble and veryverystinky.”

Trey shot her a glare, “Take that back.”

“Can’t.” She stated simply crossing her arms over her chest, not missing the mischievous glint that entered his focus.

Trey set the book off to the side and Maybelle tensed with anticipation, “Tell me, May.”

He turned toward her, his broad chest of muscle taking up her whole view, his sweet minty breath clouding her common sense, “Do the sweet, nerdy boys still do it for you?”

His taunt was stupid and childish, but Maybelle still swallowed hard, losing all sense of self-preservation as she held his stare.

“Absolutely.” She croaked, the lie coming out as unsteady as she felt.