She could just get lost in those beautiful green eyes. She didn’t trust herself to open her mouth and say the right things, so she only gave him a sorry half nod.

“Come here.” Trey brought her against him, and she obeyed, allowing herself to be totally engulfed into his warm embrace.

She was safe again.


Trey was the first to break the hold as he peered back over his shoulder to see Penny trotting up to where they stood.

“Hey, sorry to interrupt you two but you boys need to get going and us girls need to get some good seats.” She said as she tossed a red lock over her shoulder.

Trey pulled back from Maybelle to give Penny a quick hug.

“Good to see you Penn, take care of my Maybelle for me, please.” Trey winked at Maybelle then joined the parade of blue and gold football players on their way to the locker rooms while Penny led her into the stadium to what she called “the best seats in the house”. Right down the middle of the bleachers and directly behind the boys standing on the sidelines.

Penny talked through the whole first half, telling Maybelle all about her good friend Daniel whom she would have the privilege of meeting near the third quarter. She spoke about how she did cheer but quit recently, how she didn’t know what to do with her education and touched a bit on her rocky relationship with her mom.

Maybelle listened, bobbing her head every now and then to show she was listening and had the worst thought cross her mind as she heard everything Penny had to say.

In one conversation she knew more about Penny Elizabeth Howell than she knew about Trey Turner… or herself for that matter.After halftime Penny leaned over to her, “Are you thinking about coming to school here?”

Maybelle tied her massive floof of curls into a knot on the top of her head, “Uhm, I don’t know if I can. I got accepted but I don’t know where I would live or how I would make that work.”

She winced as she watched Bear lay waste to a small lineman that was poorly paired up against him.

“Girl, live with me!”

Maybelle got whiplash from how fast her head spun to look and make sure she wasn’t being punked but there, Penny sat, that big smile plastered to her lips.

Penny must have seen the disbelief etched into Maybelle’s face because she went onto say, “I’m serious, we have two other very chill girlies that keep to themselves, but we have an opening in my room. You could totally live with me. I could even get you a job with me at the coffee shop I work at. Come on, it would be perfect!”

Hmm, again, the plot thickens.

“I appreciate that, maybe I could get your number? Keep in touch about it?” Maybelle asked suddenly overwhelmed with the possibilities.

Penny was gleaming as she pulled her phone out.

The girls exchanged numbers and the night suddenly seemed so much better.

“Centavo.” A deep, accented voice called out over the rampage of the crowd. It was Penny’s turn for a bit of whiplash as she twisted to the very tall, very dark, veryveryhandsome man strapped in a leather jacket and black denim.

Penny leapt from her spot right into his arms and by the way this man held her back, Maybelle had no doubt that these two were the perfect picture of a match made in heaven. Cheesiness overload but hey, the lovey dovey-ness was literally oozing from them.

Penny broke the hug and gestured to Maybelle, “Daniel, this is Maybelle.”

Daniel’s black eyes pierced Maybelle with a look she could not identify. There was sadness, there was happiness, and there was a lot of familiarity.

This man knew her, and it hurt her heart she couldn’t recall him. Maybelle stood, holding a hand out to Daniel but he completely ignored it as he pulled her into his tight hold.

“It’s so good to see you, Maybelle.” He said into her ear and Maybelle easily held him back.

The scrimmage finally came to an end, the buzzer signifying the end of the game rang and Maybelle was instantly on her feet, done with the stiff bleachers. Daniel was holding Penny’s thigh while she was holding firmly to his arm, her head laying on his shoulder and Maybelle saw this as her cue to get lost.

“I’m going to go find Trey and congratulate him. I’ll text you, Penny, and it was good to meet you, Daniel!”

They waved her off and she ran onto the field with the rest of the students. Maybelle weaved through the crowd first finding Larson who had two girls under his arms, she skimmedby Bear who was speaking to what looked like might be his grandparents, and then Williams but no Trey.

“Hey, little Mason,” Noah called, he took one look at her then continued, “follow me. I’ll help you find Turner.”