“I guess I deserve that one for the last time we saw each other.” He chuckled weakly.Yeah, she wouldn't know because she didn’t know when that last time was.

Maybelle leaned so she could see Trey who was smiling like an ass from his seat at the kitchen counter. When she made a look at him that promised death, slow and painful he finally rose from his seat to put a hand on the man’s shoulder.

“Williams, this is Maybelle. Maybelle, this is Noah Williams. Second string quarterback of the team.” Trey made the introductions but Noah only side eyed him curiously.

Trey grinned then pulled Williams from his embrace of Maybelle, turning them both away from her to the other large men watching the spectacle from the living room, “Gentlemen, a detail I may have forgot to mention to you, my sweet Maybelle here has amnesia. She doesn’t remember anything from her life before the coma, like high school. She will technically be experiencing a lot of things for the first time. So that is why wehave to make this weekend extra special for her because it’s a weekend full of firsts, make sense?”

They all nodded solemnly while Maybelle contemplated walking back out the front door and throwing herself headfirst down the stairs. He really had to wait to give that speech until she got here.

Hell,might as well paintHi. My brain is broken, tread lightlyacross her forehead.

She shouldered past Trey, shooting him her most menacing glare, then put a hand on Williams's arm, “It's good to meet you.” She said with a smile and turned to the other two men, “Alright which one of you is, Larson?”

The tall, very very pretty, Disney prince looking, blonde before her cautiously pointed to himself.

“Chelsea says hi.”

The silence carried for only a beat before Larson smirked smugly, “Of course she does.”

Then he turned on Trey, “You were supposed to let me know when they pulled up so I could go out and see my girl.” His deep voice was rising and falling almost in a whine.

Trey scoffed but Maybelle spoke before he could retort, “And you must be, Bear?” She guessed taking a step toward the broad, well, bear-like man.

His shaggy hair and eyes were dark, his light skin was nearly completely covered in black hair, and a groomed beard grew along his jaw.

A small smile peeked through his facial hair as he bobbed his head up and down. Maybelle closed the distance wrapping her arms around his wide form, “It’s good to finally meet you.” She muffled into his chest.

Bear immediately returned the embrace completely cocooning her in a—Bear trap.Internally laughs at own joke.

Finally pulling away she gifted each of the guys a big smile, “I just would like to clarify I am quite stable and no pressure for this weekend. I am just happy to be here finally meeting Trey’s people. Mom over here is just nervously excited for my first real outing and wants it to be perfect.” She said gesturing back over her shoulder to where Trey was no doubt rolling his eyes. This successfully earned her a couple snickers from the guys.

“Alright, alright. It’s late.” Trey butted in, draping his arm over Maybelle’s shoulder, “We all have to get to bed, it will be a long day tomorrow, so goodnight. See you all in the morning.”

Trey started leading Maybelle down a hallway, but Larson grabbed Maybelle’s arm pulling her out from under Trey.

“Uhm, no. She just got here; you can’t take up all the little time we have with Maybelle.” He argued, Maybelle’s back against his front and his hands gently holding her biceps. Larson was a big man and standing before him like this made her feel so tiny.

Bear grunted what sounded like an agreement while Williams took a step toward her and Larson, “Yeah, what’s that about, Turner? You talk about this girl nonstop then when she gets here you monopolize all the time? Hell nah. We deserve some Maybelle time too.”

Trey stared at his friends, jaw slack with a hint of a smile, “It’s late, what do you plan on doing with her?”

Larson, the big friendly giant, leaned his head forward so when Maybelle tilted her head back and looked up, they were making eye contact, “Have you ever played Call of Duty?” He asked.

“Nope, but I’m willing to learn.” She said up at him.

Larson’s grip on her upper arms flexed, “Ok, Maybelle is on my team. I bet she will be a better teammate than Bear anyway.”

Bear took his place on the bean bag, remote in hand while Maybelle and Larson sank into the small couch, fitting a lot better than two of the men sitting on it. Williams sprawled out on the floor on his stomach while Trey pulled up a stool from the kitchen counter. Within minutes they were all hollering, Larson trying to instruct Maybelle on the functions of the remote while simultaneously yelling at Bear and Williams to do better.

A few times they had to pause the game so Williams and Larson could bicker a bit before resuming. Bear kept to himself, quietly massacring everyone over and over again.

Maybelle sucked but she still enjoyed every second and her face grew hot when she could see Trey watching her, smiling out of the corner of her eye.

She loved that Larson did everything he could to be patient with her lack of skills in the game by taking his frustration out on the other guys.

The weekend was already off to a great start.

They got away with about two hours of video games before Trey finally pulled the remote from Maybelle’s hands, tugging her off the couch toward the bedroom at the end of the hallway and telling the rest of the guys to go to bed.