Was she really like that?

Was she really so weak?

Deep down was she just meant to give up, always and forever a ghost, alone.

Yeah, eff that.

She slammed the book closed, that may have been how the old her functioned but not now.

She refused to allow it. Forget Annalise, and forget just walking, Maybelle was going to run, she was going to sprint.

23 Little Mason

Maybelle was on her way to college, and she was vibrating with excitement. She was going to be staying somewhere else other than her small room which made her want to weep with joy.

Don’t get her wrong, she loved her space and could not be more thankful for Chelsea and Trey’s generosity to give it to her, but sheneededout.

Maybelle had finished the book Trey got her on Tuesday and may have shed a tear or two with how absolutely darling it was. Pre-coma Maybelle had great taste in literature she learned.

After finishing Flipped, Maybelle decided it would remain her favorite book post-coma.

The rest of the week, she had nothing to do except read more of the journal. Maybelle had decided to start from the beginning, not jump around randomly and she actually got hooked with her own writing and stories.

It was interesting reading her own biography of experiences she couldn’t even remember. It felt foreign, maybe like a prank someone was pulling on her until she read statements that resonated with her so deeply that it could only be her words.

Again, so weird.

She read a lot about her mom, their relationship. Maybelle and her mom had been close, best friends close, while Liam was her buddy but also a punk of a twin brother.

Maybelle read about a few mommy, daughter date nights at the beach, playing Just Dance, and that time that Liam put a lizard in her bed, so in retaliation she dumped a bucket of ice water on him in his sleep. She really did not lose, then or now, always getting the last word.

Maybelle had packed the small journal and brought it with her for the weekend in case she got more time to read.

“How was your last therapy session today?” Chelsea asked as she pulled up the ramp onto the freeway.

Maybelle cringed, unfortunately her and Annalise didn't make up from that conversation Monday until the very last second. They were all business those last three sessions, except for the hug Maybelle pulled Annalise into just before she walked out the door.

It was quick but it healed that little tear between them before their relationship as doctor and patient ended. Maybelle did get Annalise’s number before she left, they planned to meet up for coffee in a couple weeks as a check-in and Maybelle was already really looking forward to it.

Her first friend outside of the Turners.

“It was good, but as much as I love Annalise, I am so happy it’s done.” She admitted as she watched the world speed by outside her window.

Chelsea giggled, “Yes, it will be nice not having to watch your poor body get stretched apart like a rubber band four days a week.”

Maybelle smiled, Chelsea had been there for almost all of her sessions, supporting and cheering her on the entire time. Even after Maybelle was able to get herself up and ready on her own for therapy Chelsea was still there, a quiet companion during some of the worst pain Maybelle could ever remember feeling, never making her feel like she wasn’t doing or progressing enough.

She was lucky to have a Chelsea Turner in her life.

“Sorry I am ditching you this weekend.” Maybelle brushed a few of her frizzy curls from her face, “We will have to catch up on our rom coms next week.”

Chelsea put her hand on Maybelle’s knee giving it a gentle squeeze, “Oh don’t you dare be sorry, sweetie. We will definitely catch up on our movies, but I want you to have the best time this weekend. Besides, I won’t be home the whole time either.” She punctuated that statement with a wink.

“Oh, ok! So, what kind of mischief are you going to be up to?” Maybelle asked through her surprised chuckles.

Chelsea smoothly lifted and lowered her petite shoulders, “I have a date.” A coy smile pulled at her red tinted lips.

Maybelle nudged the gentle woman playfully, “You hottie, of course you do! Who is the lucky guy?”