“Come here.” She softly instructed, tugging him up toward her bed. Without a second thought, he obeyed.

Maybelle scooted forward making room for him to climb in the bed behind her and encasing her back against his front. He wrapped her little body up in his arms feeling so warm, and at home.

Maybelle nestled into his grasp like he was her home too, which made his heart almost rupture with an overabundance of happiness. For the first time in the last year, sleeping and Maybelle was not a combination that brought him heartache and anxiety but comfort, warmth, and safety.

How far they have come from avoiding one another in high school, too nervous to make a move in fear of rejection, from him sitting by her side as she slept a year away, to now holding desperately to one another, cuddling in her bed, in his home. He planted a kiss in the curls he could not stop obsessing over then pulled his Maybelle tighter into his chest.

Life was good. Life was so, so good.

22 The Plot Thickens

The weekend with Trey home was so needed and so much fun that Maybelle almost shed a tear when he had to leave her for school. Saturday morning, she woke up in Trey’s arms, his soft breathing puffing through her hair.

It was a beautifully surreal moment making her wish for the first time ever that she didn’t need to get up from that bed and get going with her day. She could have stayed snuggled up in his massive arms, happy and warm for the rest of the weekend.

Later that morning Trey and Chelsea did a quick brunch date while Maybelle stayed home continuing the book Trey hadgotten for her. After their date they came home to grab Maybelle for a relaxing day at the beach.

They spent their time reading and sunbathing which was a heaven on earth for her, especially since Trey was a shirtless, sculpted god she got to admire through sneaky glances over the pages of her book.

He laid himself out on a towel in front of her, a tanned muscular feast she got to just sit and devour with her eyes.

It was fantastic.

That night after Chelsea left for work Maybelle and Trey sat outside on the hammock together, Trey took a nap on her shoulder while she pretended to read.

Really, she was just basking in the feel of his breath on her cheek, his large hand splayed out on her thigh, the warmth of his body against hers. Being with Trey was just so natural, fun, peaceful, and safe.

He was her safe place.

Trey, unfortunately, didn’t sleep in her room that night, he had fallen asleep on the couch during a movie they had been watching and as much as she wanted to cuddle up against his hard body, she was not about to break her back trying to squeeze onto the small, stiff cushions so she went off to bed but not before draping a blanket over him and planting a soft chaste kiss on his cheek.

Sunday morning Maybelle woke to Chelsea getting home from work. Chelsea had gone straight to her room to shower and go to bed. Maybelle got up, put on a comfortable pair of, what Chelsea called, mom jeans and a swoop neck, long sleeve, black top before walking out to the living room to see Trey.

He was still sleeping on the couch which made her puff with self-pride because this would be a first that she was awake before him. The best part was she didn’t feel exhausted being upthis early, she was well rested, and her body felt energized for the new day. Maybelle tip-toed into the kitchen, searched in the fridge to find eggs, butter, and bacon.

She immediately got to work.

Within a half hour she had breakfast all cooked for two and perfect timing because her gorgeous breakfast date rose from his dead sleep, caramel waves a perfect mess on his head.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty, I made you breakfast.” She announced, beaming as she set the table.

Trey’s sleepy grin was almost enough to make her knees wobble.

“Wow, you did not have to do this.” He said, peering at the food she plated, stretching his arms above his head.

Maybelle filled him a glass of orange juice then gestured for him to sit, “Oh hush, sit down and let me treat you.”

Trey sat down at the spot she had made out for him. Maybelle made to step away from his side of the table, but Trey was already pulling her back to him by the waistband of her pants. He tugged until she was falling backwards onto his lap, her legs draped over one side, his arms immediately caging her in and her own arms instinctively wrapping around his neck.

This was the place she would be spending the rest of her quickly fading time with him. Right here on his lap, in his arms was her new home she didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

“Seriously, May. Thank you. This all looks delicious.” Trey’s tone rasped from sleep.

Maybelle scoffed, “Well don’t thank me until you try it first, it might be nasty.”

Her gaze cautiously landed back on the food in front of them. Trey snickered; she didn’t realize he had moved one of his arms from around her until his fingers pinched her chin turning her attention back to him.

His sensual green eyes meandered back and forth between her eyes and her lips. Hot, steamy desire was oozing from that gorgeous gaze, melting her insides.