“Mayhem.” A baritone voice called out a couple hours later pulling Maybelle from her story. Trey entered the yard, still looking just as hot as before.

“Hi.” Maybelle replied, her nose still between the pages of her book. She hadn’t realized his quick approach until he was in front of her and plucking the book from her hands. She tried to snatch it back, but he halted her by holding a finger up.

“You can read later, right now we are leaving.” He informed as he grasped one of her hands and pulled her to her feet.

The last couple days had begun to catch up with her making her muscles ache. Instead of letting Trey go and walkingon her own she looped her arm in his and held comfortably to his massive arm as they walked the stretch of the yard.

“Where are we going?” She asked with her eyes focused on the ground in front of her, watching where she stepped.

“I was thinking ice cream and then the other bit is a surprise.” Trey’s voice bounced with excitement.

He helped her up into his black Jeep and buckled her in before hopping into the driver's seat. He was in such a chipper mood that made her smile.

He threw the car in drive and was on the road.

As they drove Maybelle plastered her face into the window watching the passing roads, the buildings, and people.

She knew she had been outside, that she had been a member of the world that bustled just past her window, but she couldn’t recall specific memories, moments or personal experiences which absolutely drove her insane.

It was the feeling of remembering the tune of a song but no matter what you did you could never quite remember the name or specific lyrics. Or when you remember someone’s face, but their name just sits on the tip of your tongue and never leaves spoken, only dries your tongue out and makes your head hurt with frustration.

So instead of punishing herself by trying to remember, Maybelle watched the road and passing world fascinated, soaking it all in.

Trey didn’t speak, only drummed his fingers to the beat of the music humming from his radio.

Out of the corner of her eye Maybelle caught glimpses of him watching her, a smile pressed to his lips, but she didn’t say anything and neither did he. They only traveled on in comfortable quiet, listening to the music.

The drive wasn’t long before Trey pulled into a drive-thru, up to a massive menu with about a thousand different variations of burgers, custards, and ice cream cones.

What sounded like a bored teen’s voice drawled over the speaker, “What can I get started for you today?”

Trey called out his rolled down window, “Hi, can you give us just one second, please?”

“Let me know when you’re ready.” The teen replied.

Trey turned to Maybelle who sat watching him.

“Do you know what you want?” He asked.

An idea struck her right then, making a devilishly sweet smile pull her face up.

She unbuckled her belt.

“Yes, indeed I do.” She hummed as she got onto her knees atop her seat then draped her body across Trey’s lap so she could lean on her forearms against the Jeep window seal. Her side and hip brushed lightly against his chest, and she felt him go still under her touch which made her smile widen.

“Hi, we are ready!” She said loud enough for the kid to hear her through the speaker. The drive-thru attendant acknowledged her and told her to go ahead and order.

Maybelle glimpsed over her shoulder at Trey avoiding his face at first, just admiring his hair then did a quick glance from his lips up to his eyes. His eyebrows rose at her inspection.

She winked and turned back to the menu board.

“Can I get a small chocolate custard with hot caramel on top, please?”

As the teen repeated her order and asked if that was all Maybelle turned back over her shoulder to look at him again. Trey was staring at her, one of his hands now placed on the back of her thigh closer to her knee, unfortunately.

“What do you want? I can order for you since I’m already here.” She offered sweetly, batting her lashes, ignoringthe way her palms were now sweating and her stomach fluttering with the feel of his hand on her leg.

He smiled at her broadly, his grip on her leg moving slightly up as he gave it a squeeze, “A chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream cone, please and thank you.”