Half her face beamed at him, while the other half of her face was still plastered into her pillows, “You heard me.”

She gave his cheek a quick pat then curled back in on herself. Trey was still crouched next to her bed, eye level with her, watching her with a sweet half smile tugging at his lips.

Feeling the weight of his studying and the knowledge that her hair probably looked like a bird's nest, plus she most likely had drool crusted on her cheek Maybelle stretched and sat up so as not to be too close to the young man that was made of beautiful perfection.

“So,” She started as she yawned and stretched her arms up into the air, “what we got planned today?”

Still watching her with that slight smile Trey shrugged, “I have a couple ideas. I do have a date at noon but after that I am all yours.” He said as he draped his upper body across the bed next to her.

A date… cool cool, perfect timing because around noon she was going to be throwing herself off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Yeah, they barely know each other, or she barely knew him, but come on, what’s he doing going on dates with other girls during the little time she had with him?

Yeah, no. Maybelle was no second choice. She was not a side dish, she was the main entrée, the lasagna. Not the salad you pretend to like so as not to seem too much of a pig when you reach for seconds of the carb-loaded lasagna because it’s just that good.

To mask whatever the hell was happening in her head and the tightness in her chest, Maybelle went with what she knows best, childish teasing and fake confidence.

“Oh, a date, hmmm? Is she cute?”

Maybelle wiggled her brows down at the muscled, tanned, holy hunk of a man that had the audacity to lay himself across her bed like he owned it.

Technically he did but she chose to ignore that fact.

She tucked her knees up into her chest to get some much-needed space from the delicious heat radiating from his skin.

Trey quirked a brow, taking obvious note of her fidgeting and attitude change, “Yeah, she is way cute. Known her forever, I think you’d like her.”

Trey said as he rolled up onto the bed, his back against the wall, his arm lazily draping behind her back against the pillows.

Maybelle pursed her lips.

“Well, you have fun with that.” She said as she scrambled off the bed putting distance between her and what she wished was breakfast.

Her legs felt strong under her today, even after all the work she had put them through the last couple days. She wobbled a bit but successfully made it to her door and opened it.

“Thank you for keeping me company last night but I best get dressed and ready for the day.”

She pasted on a bright cheesy grin as she held the door open and gestured for him to leave.

Trey only stared, a sly smile now teasing his enticing lips. This taunting defiance was a large contrast from the timid young man that treated her like a cracked, fragile porcelain doll she met when she first woke up and she reallyreallyliked it. She saw his stare as a challenge as she held her ground, the cheesiness of her smile melting into an arrogant smirk.

“I mean, unless you’re wanting to stay for the show?” She said folding her arms across her chest, “I don’t think your date would quite appreciate it, but I don’t mind the company.”

Trey's face went bright red.

Check mate.

He stood from the bed in all his shirtless glory, she would have shamelessly swooned if not for her bitter pride.

Holy shiz, he was gorgeous.

That was a phrase she knew she would be repeating in her head multiple times, every time she saw him, especially shirtless.

He strolled confidently up to her, but she refused to retreat. Trey stopped only inches from her, damn, even his morning breath was good, unless he got up earlier and brushed his teeth before waking her. That would be an unfair advantage while she had to hold her breath so not to blow him away with the stench of hers.

He dipped his head in close to her, his hand coming up to pull on one of her golden coils, “You’re right,” he said so seductively soft it made her shiver, “she wouldn’t appreciate that.” And he was out the door leaving her feeling somehow defeated.

Maybelle skipped breakfast as to avoid Trey and the jealousy that now racked her.