“May, I owe you an apology.” He started, Maybelle scooted sideways so she could better face him as he spoke because yes, he did owe her a damn apology.

His focus fell on her face as he continued, “I let my fear overwhelm me today. I am so happy to see you walking and doing well, you have no idea. But I let my fear of you getting hurt cloud that and I’m sorry.”

Maybelle placed a forgiving hand on his knee giving him a kind smile, “Damn right you should be sorry. Do you know how excited I was to show you how far I’ve come?”

She playfully swatted at his muscled shoulder, feigning anger as she folded her arms and dramatically turned away from him.

Trey snickered behind her, and she felt the mattress move as he adjusted on the bed, “What do I have to do to make it up to you, May?”

He was so much closer now, his breath tickling the back of her neck sending shivers all through her.

Her breath hitched as she forced herself to keep her chin high, forward and give a half shrug, “I don’t know, handsome. I’m afraid this might be the end of our friendship.”

She sighedin melodramatic sadness.

Suddenly she felt his fingers at her sides, his mouth pressed up close to her ear, “I’m afraid that just won’t work for me.”

Before she could respond he had her hauled up in his lap, attacking the sensitive areas of her sides making her squeal. Maybelle writhed and squirmed in his hold screeching and laughing uncontrollably.

Trey pinned her arms down with one of his hands then slapped the other hand over her mouth as he hushed her through his own rampaging laughter, “Hush, May. Mom’s asleep and has work tomorrow. You’ll wake her if you keep squawking like that.”

Maybelle slipped one of her hands out of his grasp and pulled off the hand that muzzled her mouth, “Well stop the torture and I’ll stop my screaming.” She whisper-shouted up at him.

His deep laugh reverberated through her, “I will stop as soon as you say you forgive me and that we are still friends.”

He leaned into her, still holding her up on his lap.

Maybelle scrunched her nose and tilted her head.

“Hmmm I don’t know…” She began to hum but his evil fingers dug into her again sending her wriggling.

“Ok ok ok, I forgive you!” She conceded.

He didn’t fully press back into her, but his fingertips teasingly danced at her hips.

“And?” Trey drawled out.

Maybelle shook her head, “And we are best pals. Now get your hands off me you sadist.”

She sat up and rolled back onto the bed but left her legs draped across his lap. Trey vibrated with laughter as he rested his hands on her knees.

“You know,” She started after catching her breath, “you and my Physical Therapist, Annalise, would get along well.”

Trey leaned his head back against the wall and rolled so he could face her, “Oh yeah, why do you say that?”

“You both find too much enjoyment in torturing me.” She sneered half-heartedly.

“Hmm yeah, you should definitely introduce us.” Trey teased, his hold on her knees gentle but firm.

This, this was the Trey she had been looking forward to talking to and hanging out with. The friend who ate pizza with her and knew how to joke.

Maybelle heaved a deep content sigh.

“So how was your week?” She asked, in efforts to keep him here with her longer, keep him talking, keep herself awake.

Trey’s hands started to softly knead into her legs, relieving the achy tension in her knees. It took every ounce of her self-control not to blatantly moan.

“It was good, busy. We are getting ready for classes and the season to officially start in the next few weeks.” He straightened as he put more pressure into his massaging.