How? Why?What all powerful being had it out for her today to put her in such a humiliating predicament? Trey returned his gaze back to her looking a little surprised, maybe, but the fleeting look was quickly replaced with an easy smile accompanied by two irresistible dimples.

“That was my fault. I just wanted to be nice and grab your door, but I realize I probably should've given you a heads up. Hold my hand, I’ll get your foot.”

Maybelle immediately obeyed and held his beautifully calloused hand while Trey smoothly slipped her foot out of the crevice between the back door seal and the chair.

“There you go, Mayhem.”

Trey’s hand holding onto hers may have lingered just a moment longer than necessary before retreating to his pocket, or she was dumb and completely imagining it.

Yeah, she definitely imagined it.

Get a grip Maybelle.

Maybelle reclaimed her balance quickly and picked up her over the shoulder bag that had fallen to the road during the whole foot getting stuck ordeal.Before her “fight or flight” could kick in and send her sprinting away, she paused, just for a moment, and quirked an eyebrow at her handsome knight in shining football jersey.

“Mayhem?” She really tried to sound confident, maybe even smooth but only croaked the question out like a fool.

A flawless, teasing smile pulled at Trey’s lips and had her knees going weak. Ignoring her previous doubts, Maybelle realized the universe was actually smiling on her today because the gorgeous artwork that is Trey Turner leaned in close and spoke so appealingly low it made her skin pebble with goosebumps.

“Mayhem, because you’re kind of a mess, but a really cute mess.” And then as if he hadn’t just all but destroyed herwith that comment alone, he had the audacity to top it all off with a wink.

Maybelle Mason was Jello. Literal melting Jello. Actually, more like juice; seeping, dripping, sticky juice that was puddling and evaporating in the now bright California sun.

Say something witty, flirty, smile, be hot, think sexy, at least nod, say thank you, smile for shit’s sake… Nope.

Maybelle spun on her heels and raced away; stone faced.

Why did that smile of his have to go and officially “fry her circuits”? She can never look him in the eyes again. She will need to move to Antarctica or bury herself in a six feet deep hole. Anything to never subject that boy to her awkwardness ever again.

“Maybelle!” Liam yelled over the crowd that now gathered around the two kings. She heard Liam, but she refused to look back, He continued to shout at her anyway. “Trey is taking us home after the rally so meet back here after!”

Effher life.

2 Slime and Snake Scales

The little voice in Maybelle’s head and soul was still screaming as she entered the gym, melding with the ridiculous cacophony of boisterous clapping and cheering from students that covered both bleachers on either side of the gymnasium court. Still flustered and heated from the fact that she was just in the arms of Trey Turner, Maybelle searched for a vacant seat to take refuge in, until she made eye contact with Hannah Lacy who stood above the crowd signaling Maybelle to join her at the top of the right-side bleachers. It was truly a beautiful, cinematic experience, comparable to the moment Gabriella stands above the audience belting Troy’s name above the chorus of fans in the opening scene of High School Musical Three.

Hannah Lacy was a quiet senior that Maybelle had english class with and shared a love for reading. They weren’t exactly besties, they never once hung out outside of campus walls, but they looked out for one another, always saving seats for each other at lunch tables, events, and rallies such as this one. Maybelle briskly strode to the steps and climbed up to the secluded corner where she found Hannah alone.

“Thanks, you’re a lifesaver.” Maybelle sighed with relief, and embarrassingly, a little winded. Hannah pushed her round glasses up the bridge of her nose as she gave Maybelle a soft smile, the only real greeting Maybelle could ever manage to extract from the exceedingly shy girl.

Hannah’s attention retreated to the small book she had propped on her legs while Maybelle adjusted, placing her shoulder bag down, in between her knees. Her breathing finally calm and her cheeks no longer scalding, Maybelle peered over at the book that Hannah was devouring.

She couldn’t contain her excitement as she tapped a finger on the edge of the book, “Flipped? That’s my all-time favorite book! How are you liking it?”

Hannah did a double-take her way, probably surprised that Maybelle was even trying to make conversation. The two girls were usually content just using each other for companionship in crowded situations, other than that they weren’t exactly friends in the general sense of the word, they were barely even acquaintances. But with the school year ending, Maybelle’s Trey encounter high and her social heart trying to break through her self-inflicted, loner walls she thought it wouldn’t hurt leaving off their time together with at least a small effort to be actual friends.

Hannah scrunched her nose and adjusted her glasses, a habit Maybelle had noticed each time Hannah had to engage with something or someone other than her latest read, “Uhm it’s alright, Bryce is kind of a jerk though.”

Maybelle feigned dramatic astonishment, “What? Well yeah, he is kind of an ass but that’s what makes him so darn cute!”

Hannah stared back at her, unamused.

Maybelle, feeling defeated, surrendered instantly, “Keep reading, he gets better at the end.” Hannah obeyed without another word or glance to Maybelle before returning back to her book.

Maybelle loved her books, but only if they had romance, of course. The helpless romantic in her just could not stomach any story unless it had a devilishly handsome man that gaveyou shivers and goosebumps when he “growled” possessive statements to the main female character or, even better, he’s an arrogant ass that starts out as kind of a bully but is tamed by the beauty and kindness of the woman he loves.Flippedby Wendelin Van Draanen was the official start of that obsession when she read the book in sixth grade. Now, a little older, she was into romances with a lotspiciertension.

Maybelle was ripped from her daydreaming of romance books when the students around her all jumped to their feet screeching with unhinged excitement. She stood on her bleacher seat leaving Hannah below to her book to see what had everyone’s undivided attention.The football team and cheerleaders, aka the popular kid posse, galloped to the front and center of the gym with Liam and Trey at the head of the herd.