When her eyes returned back to his, they narrowed, her hand slipped up between them pressing against his chest until he was backing away, dropping her shirt.

Maybelle shrugged, cool as a cucumber while a sarcastic grin tightened across her pale face.

“I’m practicing.” Maybelle said simply.

“Practicing what, gymnastics?” Trey questioned, frustration and judgement lacing his tone.

His hands trembled, wanting to grab for her again. He forgot to check her head and make sure she didn’t hit it in her fall or whatever happened to her hip and the shelving of books.

Maybelle quirked a brow at his irritated tone, her smile falling, “It's good to see you too, Trey.” The harsh softness in her voice made him flinch.

Shit shit shit.

She sighed then turned in past the doorway, “Tell Chelsea I’ll be out for dinner in a few minutes.”

And she shut the door in his face.

Damn… he messed up.

It was about ten minutes later when Maybelle emerged from her room. She had changed out of her sweat drenched clothing into black sweats and a forest green, crop top, tank that made her eyes appear bright and viridescent. Her hair had been taken out of the tight ponytail and braided to the side falling over the front of her shoulder with stray curls springing out to frame her face.

She was practically walking on her own, given the wall was doing a lot of the work to hold her small frame up but she was moving on her own. Trey leapt to his feet when she limped out of the hallway. He moved to her side and held an arm out to her.

Maybelle kept her eyes trained forward and reluctantly accepted his outstretched hand for the last few steps between the wall and the table. She must be tired, her attention and hold on him being so weak.

But Trey was quickly corrected when Maybelle saw Chelsea. She glowed brightly with an enthusiastic smile, “Chelsea, hello! Sorry I haven’t seen much of you today.”

Trey pulled out the chair for Maybelle eyeing her as she sat, still not acknowledging him. Feeling a tad uneasy and honestly, like a damn idiot Trey cautiously took his place in between his mom and Maybelle.

Chelsea’s eyes danced between Trey and Maybelle, brows pulled together, “It’s ok. I know you have been tired. Your body is still recovering.”

Chelsea offered Maybelle a scoop of salad, Maybelle held her plate up to accept it as she shook her head back and forth, “Oh I wasn’t sleeping.”

She stated so easily, like it wasn’t an important detail.

Trey and Chelsea both abruptly stopped dishing up their plates. Trey itched to ask her what the hell she has been doing if not sleeping but that previously hadn’t gone so well so he waited for his mom to ask.

“What were you doing all day if not sleeping?” Chelsea asked, heeding Trey’s silent pleas.

Maybelle scooped herself up some lasagna, “I have been practicing my exercises and stretches that Annalise taught me and making myself walk. I did take one spill over my bookshelf which gave me a pretty sick looking bruise on my hip but other than that I am really getting the hang of this whole walking thing.”

Trey wanted to burst, what was she doing pushing herself so hard to the point she was falling and hurting herself? This needed to stop, she needed to have someone with her if she was going to practice or walk on her own. Trey opened his mouth to say exactly that, but his mom beat him to it.

“That’s amazing, Maybelle.”

Trey whipped his head toward his mom whose face split open with a proud smile. She turned that smile to Trey, expectantly.

“Don’t you think so, Trey?” Chelsea asked so sweetly but Trey just stared at her. How in hell’s name could she think this was a good idea?

Maybelle finally turned to face him, a small, smug grin pulling at her lips waiting for his response. He straightened inhis seat feeling like he just fell into a trap. Both women stared waiting, Chelsea’s smile faltered while Maybelle’s grew more complacent.

“I honestly think you should have someone with you if you are going to be pushing yourself like that.” Trey finally replied.

Maybelle propped her head on a hand, “Interesting, well if you saw me in my last session or saw me actually try and walk more, you’d know I have come a long way in such a short amount of time and do just fine on my own.”

Trey scoffed, “Yeah, tell that to your bookshelf.”

“That happened in the middle of the night when I first tried to walk on my own. I didn’t fall over the rest of the night or at all today.” She countered.