Slightly disturbed, Trey turned his attention to the blonde, six foot-two football player, “You best be joking.”

Larson resumed his game with Bear, the cacophony of noises erupting from the speakers again.

“Man, my girl Chelsea, is a MILF. I got her number last season so I could,” He put his remote controller down for the briefest moment to do air quotes, “check in on you— as your Captain. But between you and me, I’m just trying to become your step daddy.”

Trey nabbed a pillow that had fallen to the floor from the couch and chucked it at Larson, knocking the video game remote from his hands.

“Oh, shit shit shit, Bear, you better not fail me.” Larson cursed as he scrambled to recover the controller.

Bear had a smug grin on his lips as he continued to play. Trey grabbed his bag and pop tarts when Larson finally returned to the game with his remote.

“You asshole!” Larson turned on Bear whose grin was now a blatant smile.

“Did you kill my guy?” Larson accused.

Bear shrugged, tossed his own remote onto the couch next to Larson and rose to approach Trey, leaving Larson muttering bitterly under his breath. Trey paused before walking out the front door while Bear slapped a hand on his back, “Are you doing alright?”

There were many reasons they called the big guyBear. For one, the man was massive, biggest, and tallest on the team. He was their best lineman, a force of destruction that obliterated defensive lines and was an immovable wall of protection when it was his time to defend. But off the field he was a quiet, cuddly teddy bear that talked about feelings and shit when he got you alone.

Trey sighed, “I’m fine, bro. Really, I just need to get home.”

Bear gave him a half nod, “Well when she is feeling well enough you should bring her to visit. I bet we’d all like to finally meet the famous Maybelle.”

Trey smiled at the thought of his Maybelle meeting all his brothers, “I’ll definitely do that, hopefully in the next few weeks.”

Trey grasped Bear’s hand, “I’ll be back Sunday night.”

Bear waved him off with a grunted goodbye and Trey was out the door with Larson calling after him, “Have a good weekend, son!”

“Mom, I’m home!” Trey announced as he stepped into the house through the front door.

“In here, love.” Chelsea called from the kitchen.

The house was filled with the savory aroma of Chelsea’s homemade lasagna making Trey’s mouth instantly water, it was his favorite meal.

Those pop tarts did damn near nothing to satisfy his hunger on the long drive and his stomach ached for some real food. He left his bag by the wall and sat at the small dining table that was able to seat four but was set for three. Trey scanned the room and the beginning of the hallway that led back to the bedrooms.

No sign of Maybelle, probably still sleeping, even though it was five o’clock in the evening.

Chelsea washed her hands after she finished chopping a head of lettuce for a salad she was working on, “How was your week, hun?” She wiped her hands on a towel as she rounded the kitchen counter to hug and kiss Trey on the top of his head where he sat.

“It was good, long. A lot of practice and prepping for the upcoming semester.” Trey answered as he stood to give his mom a proper hug.

“Remind me when your first game is again.” Chelsea said into his chest before pulling away to get back to making dinner.

Trey followed her to wash his hands in the sink, “It’s in three weeks, end of the month. And it's more just a scrimmage to get people hyped for the first official game and the start of the semester.”

Trey dried his hands then went to work on preparing the other salad ingredients Chelsea had waiting on the counter to be mixed and dressed.

“That’s right.” Chelsea replied deflated, “I don’t know if I can make it to that one with my work schedule, but I will be at the next one, I promise.”

Trey waved her off, “Mom, do not stress. It's just a scrimmage. Only students will be there, and you’re no longer allowed to come to my games anyway.”

Chelsea put her kitchen tools down and faced her son, brows knitted in confusion, “What? Why not?”

Trey snickered, “Because you’re too pretty, a few of the guys are hoping they will get a shot at being my stepdad this season.”

His mom’s eyes doubled in size.