Ooh a gentleman, he somehow just got hotter.

Maybelle knew her cheeks were pink as she nodded and rose from the couch now in his embrace, heavily leaning against him.

The most frustrating part about the day had been her inability to be independent and the fact that everything in her body bugged her with an incessant, deep ache. All her bodywanted to do was sleep, rest her cramping joints and stiff, almost non-existent muscles. She had wanted to cry when they made it to Chelsea’s car outside of the hospital that morning. Just from the little exertion to get up and get into the vehicle she had a migraine that threatened to collapse her and useless limbs that wouldn't work like they were supposed to.

At that moment, if she was being completely honest, she wasn’t too far from experiencing that exact feeling, but she pasted on a brave face. Maybelle was far too curious of her surroundings and the hottie hunk whose warmth enveloped her to let her body’s exhaustion take the wheel.

Trey walked her out of the main room down a hallway.

“Is this when you chop me up and hide me in the basement?” Maybelle joked.

Trey looked forward expressionless, “We don’t have a basement, there is an attic though.”

“Comforting.” Maybelle snorted.

Trey peered down at her only pausing long enough to wink then guided her toward a doorway opening to a dark, unlit room. Trey held to her with one arm while he reached the other arm to flip the lights on.

The room was simple.

A small desk was up against one wall with a small twin bed against the opposite wall. The bed was quilted with a flowery pink bed spread, clouded with pillows and a plush pink rug covered the center of the floor. There wasn’t a lot of decorations ornamenting the place except for a small bookcase next to the closet, full of volumes and three picture frames that hung above the bed.

Maybelle focused onto the pictures, taking a step forward, Trey moved with her until they were directly in front of them and the bed. The farthest picture to the left was of two very similar looking women, one older, one younger, embracing on abeach. The middle picture was of the same young girl from the first picture except the older woman was replaced with a young boy with bright blue eyes and curly blonde hair. The two kids were dressed in navy-blue graduation caps and gowns. The final picture to the far right had the same two kids, dressed in the same caps and gowns but standing in between them was Trey. He also wore a cap and gown looking brighter and just a tad younger than he did now.

Maybelle felt him watching her like he had when they first met, waiting for her reaction. Maybelle could guess who each of the individuals were, but she still asked, pointing to the middle frame to the young girl, “Is that me?”

“You still haven’t looked in a mirror?” Trey asked perplexed. Maybelle rolled her eyes at him.

“One, I have been a little preoccupied today. Two, I can’t exactly walk myself. And three, you already said I was hot, what more do I need to know?”

Trey scoffed, “I didn’t say that.”

Maybelle huffed a breathy laugh through her nose, “Yes you did, with your eyes.” She said mockingly as she batted her lashes at him.

Trey chortled, but before he could quip back Maybelle quickly added pointing to the last picture of the three graduates, “And it looks like even then you couldn’t keep your eyes off me.”

Trey’s attention darted back to the picture, and he saw what she saw. Him smiling bright, totally ogling the blonde, curly haired girl that he held to his side. He shook his head and heaved a deep sigh, feigning annoyance, before he forced Maybelle to turn back to the rest of the bedroom with him.

“This is yours. My mom and I put it together just after your accident in case you needed a place to stay when you woke up.”

Maybelle’s eyes went wide, leaping to the bookcase of novels and then the bed.

Hers? All hers?

“This isallfor me?”

Trey’s head bobbed in silent answer.

Maybelle gawked at the room as she moved backwards to sit onto the bed. Trey helped then sat himself next to her. The bed caved farther into his side, dropping her light body completely flush to his side.

“It’s yours if you want it. We wanted to make sure you knew you had a home to come home to.” He spoke softly.

Maybelle placed a hand to her heart, “You know, I bet, even if I had my memories this would still be the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for me.”She turned to Trey, “I honestly don’t know what to say… Well except thank you, of course, but that doesn’t feel like enough.”

Trey smiled sweetly at her, “You being awake is thanks enough.” His tone was hushed and before she could comment Trey gestured to the closet, “It’s full of my mom’s old clothes she thought would fit you so feel free to raid that for things to wear.”

Maybelle looked down at her baggy mismatch clothes, “I don’t know, this style is kind of growing on me.”

Trey’s gaze did a couple laps up and down her body making her damned palms sweat. Why was that how her body responded to him, of all the things, sweaty palms.