Maybelle glared up at Trey who only stared forward with an impish smile teasing his lips. So, Maybelle turned toward the camera and smiled as she watched her mom smirk knowingly behind the flash.

6 Mighty Dandy Right Hooks

Once Liam was finally done taking pictures with his never-ending line of fans, the Mason Family left the ceremony building and went to their favorite hole in the wall restaurant that served the most amazing tacos to celebrate. This specific little family-owned restaurant was a preferred spot for the Masons since it was the first place they stopped for food during their long voyage when they had first moved as a family of three to San Fran. It was owned by an older couple, Mr., and Mrs. Fernandez, but their son, Xavier, managed it. The older couple doted on the twins, obsessed with their light curls and bright eyes. They loved spoiling Maybelle and Liam like they were their own grandchildren, with candies, homemade treats, and various trinkets.

But their son Xavier only had eyes for Stephanie, constantly giving her free sides of her favorite sopapillas, shooting her winks across the dining room floor, or offering her dinner special coupons saying things like, “Maybe I could see you again this week? You’d get free food and company.”

Maybelle always thought it was Xavier’s way of asking their mom out discreetly and in a way that could be taken as a politeness or flirting, depending on how Stephanie decided to accept it. Stephanie always determined them as platonic gestures. Even after years of them playing this will they or won’t they game, Xavier would still make moves while Stephanie blushed but always played it off as a friendship.

Maybelle expected tonight would be no different as Xavier strolled up to their table. He wasn’t dressed in his usual work uniform but in a fitted black tee, dark jeans and his hair combed back showing off the peppered white through his jet-black straight hair.

“How’s it going my favorite Familia?” He greeted and Maybelle watched as her mother beamed.

“Hey, Xavier! We are good. We are celebrating, May and I graduated high school tonight.” Liam boasted, lying back in his ornately carved wooden chair.

The whole restaurant was beautifully cultured.

The colors and decorations vibrant and creative, preaching to the Hispanic heritage of the Fernandez family. It possessed a safe, happy, family atmosphere that always drew customers back for more.

Xavier lifted his hands with excitement, “Be quiet! There is no way. Feels like yesterday you kids were in here, barely sixteen years old, nervous about starting at a new school.”

Liam snickered while Stephanie hummed in agreement, “They are growing up so darn fast, I can’t keep up.” She lamented.

Xavier shuffled himself so he was standing just behind Stephanie’s chair as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

“It is crazy how fast they grow up. My Sofia just entered her bachelor’s program for engineering. I still don’t understand how she went from playing with dolls to being such an incredible woman in the blink of an eye.” Xavier boasted of his daughter as his thumb now mindlessly swiped back and forth at Stephanie’s bare shoulder, grazing over the strap of her tank top blouse.

Maybelle had to swallow the giggle that bubbled at the sight of her mom’s deep blush.

Xavier was a proud single dad of his daughter Sofia. His wife, Sofia’s mom, had passed over ten years ago. Maybellehad eavesdropped on Xavier confiding in Stephanie about it one slow dinner hour. The two had bonded over being two single parents who had lost the first loves of their lives to devastating circumstances. Maybelle hadn’t known her dad, only stories from her mom that preached of him being a great man and had passed when Maybelle and Liam were very young.She could only imagine how it must have felt for her mom, Xavier, and even Sofia to lose the people they loved so deeply and remember it all so vividly. It was an experience she couldn’t begin to understand.

“Are you working tonight, Xavier or are you headed out?” Liam asked, blatantly oblivious to the situation unfolding between their mom and Xavier.

Stephanie peered back up at Xavier over her shoulder, a small smile on her lips while he looked down at her, grinning, “My parents needed help hanging up a couple new paintings they bought at an auction so I’m clocking out early tonight to go over and help them.”

“Oh, but who is going to make me my Arnold Palmer? You always mix it so perfectly.” Stephanie said, her smile taking over her whole face and crinkling at her sea foam-colored eyes.

Xavier snickered then leaned in close to Stephanie’s ear, “Don’t worry, love, I already made it. Anna, our new hire, should be bringing it out any minute now.”

Again, Stephanie’s blush was undeniably red. Even Liam shot Maybelle a conspiratorial glance, now noticing the tension heavy moment.

“I was thinking,” Xavier continued still awfully snuggled up close to Stephanie while the twins watched with glee filled expressions, “Maybe tomorrow if you’re not too busy with these crazy kids, you might want to go out with me? Maybe let me buy you a drink or two?”

This was the most forward Xavier had ever been with Stephanie. He had always been so cautious, not wanting to spook her. Always being respectful no matter how many times she had turned him down to grab coffee or a quick lunch while the kids were at school.

Maybelle knew why her mom had always declined his offers. There had been a time when she had rushed into a relationship too fast, too easily and had reaped the consequences later.

They all had.

So, Stephanie had been playing this thing between her and Xavier with so much wariness there was no room for anything to happen.It had been years since the nightmare had ended, since they moved safely to San Fran and years of learning that Xavier was a good, reliable man.

Maybelle could see the denial cooking up on her mother’s lips so she answered before Stephanie could.

“She’d love to! Liam and I will both be out so that will be perfect.” All eyes landed on Maybelle.

Liam’s crooked stare was curious because, she never had plans out, especially with him. Xavier was most likely just shocked to hear Maybelle speak at all let alone quip in the middle of their conversation.

Stephanie’s attention on her daughter was soft, grateful, because they both knew what Maybelle’s intervention meant. That she was ok, that she had found a way over the past and was giving her mom the permission to do the same.